Comments on: The Life Of Crazy People Sun, 06 May 2012 23:06:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr. Daniel Wed, 03 Aug 2005 16:40:02 +0000 /?p=14#comment-67 Well, Jason, not to get off the main topic at hand, but according to some theorists, scientists, and psychologists, there’s a rather stronger link between creativity and schizophrenia than we care to realize.

Always comforting to know. But hey, long live the craziness, I say!

By: Karen Lamis Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 /?p=14#comment-3 Jason,  
Keep up the “craziness.”  You know the old saying is so true, “That the grass is always greener in someone else’s backyard.”  I totally know what you are going through though.  We were once at your stage of life and I know how impatient I was at times to get things going….But, I kept thinking of “The Big Picture.”  I knew that the tough times we were enduring were only small stepping stones to getting to “The Big Picture.”  Our “Big Picture” was all the things you are dreaming of too…. financial security, a new home, kiddos, etc.  And now that we are living “The Big Picture,” I must tell you this…. It was worth the wait….We can sit back and say, “Yes, the hard work and sacrifice did pay off now.”  We are enjoying the stage of life that we are in, but if we would have rushed to get to this point, I really think we wouldn’t be as comfortable.  So what I’m trying to say is this, you guys are still very young and now is the time to pursue these dreams.  There is plenty of time for the house, kids, etc.  The Lord has big plans for you and in His time, you will know what He wants you to do. Just keep plugging away and looking at the “Big Picture.”  You both are admirable people and most people wouldn’t have the guts to sacrifice their lifestyles like you two have.  Don’t get down on yourselves.We all believe in you and in your mission.  Kim and Jason has given joy and inspiration to many lives.  We love you guys!
–Karen Lamis

By: Jill Tice Mon, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 /?p=14#comment-4 Jay,
I have known you since kindergarden and it is beautifl to see you doing what you have loved for so many years.  I remember back in our Peru Catholic days we had an art contest in 1st or 2nd grade and we both drew a picture of E.T. and I won…a book gift certificate…WHOOPIE!  Reading your strip online and seeing this whole website proves who really won!  Here I am with an art degree (I studied painting) working in the 9-5 corporate world…for what???  For Saturday and Sunday?  Well, Monday always comes after Sunday…  For 21 days paid vacation?  Those days run out after 21…  For my salary???  Most of us work to live, not live to work like yourself.  Sure I would love to leave my job to listen to Pearl Jam and paint all day, but you know what, I am too scared.  You love what you do and there is no price on that.  Stay crazy, you inspire more than you know!
