Comments on: Disney Has Adultitis Sun, 06 May 2012 18:41:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Escape Adulthood » Rejuveniles Wed, 28 Jun 2006 04:10:09 +0000 […] From what I can tell, Noxon advocates a more moderate incarnation of this type of lifestyle, and holds up role models such as Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, and Albert Einstein — all individuals I have hailed on this blog. I got a chance to see an interview of the author by Bill Maher on It was fairly adversarial (Bill was actually pretty rough on the guy), and somehow, I found myself agreeing with both of them at different points. Basically, here’s how I come down: I am against the stupid Adultitis-stricken PC patrol who insist on ruining childhood as we know it. And I think every. single. person. could benefit from injecting a little more childlikeness in their life. However, I have continually drawn the line between being "childlike" versus being "childish." […]
