Comments on: Turn the Tide on Breast Cancer Sun, 06 May 2012 18:27:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: AnnMarie Fri, 09 Sep 2005 13:09:17 +0000 Kim, delighted to hear of someone who uses NFP! My parents taught it for years (and practiced it, but it wasn’t around yet when they had my brother and me). Once thing many people don’t realize is that it’s a great way to *get* pregnant! Tracking your signs/fertility is on the first things people struggling to become pregnant start doing!

But anyway, unfortunately for some of us women, we have to take the pill to reduce menstrual symptoms. Mine wiped me out 2-3 days a week, not as bad as some people as I could still make it to work, but I was in quite a fog at times. (Like one time, I told the secretary the photo copier wasn’t working again. 10 minutes later I finally realized that I’d kept putting the document in upside down. Not just once. I did it 2 or 3 times!) I know most women don’t do it for this reason, but unfortunately, some of us do. :(
