Comments on: In The Zone Fri, 04 May 2012 18:59:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Guy Fri, 17 Mar 2006 20:18:12 +0000 Ahh…the dreaded writers block. I’m there quite a bit myself. And how nice those zones are when you get into one at last. I’ve been in one myself the past week or so….coming up with weeks of ideas, and usually at the most inconvenient times and places. Like in the middle of the night, when I flip on the light to jot something down and wake up my wife. Or while driving somewhere alone, and fumbling for a pen and paper while doing 70 mph in traffic. Either of which time and place could easily land me in the hospital or dead…just for what I think at the time is a brilliant idea that has to be written down. Well, somebody has to do it…right?
