Comments on: Summer Staples Wed, 11 Apr 2012 19:24:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Fri, 10 Jul 2009 13:26:21 +0000 We don’t have lightning bugs in this area, but I remember catching a praying mantis once when we lived in the Philippines. I put it in a jar with holes in the lid and added blades of grass. Bugs fascinate me…especially when I can sit and stare at them for a long time and be amazed at the intricacies of God’s creation.

I’ve never been to a drive-in. I should check it out sometime. We have one fairly close.

I remember one time we visited Taal, a volcano in the middle of nowhere in the Philippines, and we slept under the stars one night. The sky was almost white with stars. You can see the Southern Cross there. I remember seeing Jupiter, right next to the Pleiades. Wow!

By: Sarah Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:10:19 +0000 Playing on the slip’n’slide! We just got one after the teenager at the sporting goods store recommended it. And we played with our kids. What a great way to spend a hot summer afternoon and to cool off. And, boy, did it bring back childhood memories. A great way to let the adultitis slide away.

By: kim b Tue, 15 Jul 2008 03:03:11 +0000 have done numbers 1,2 and 3….the lightning bug thing drove the cat to insanity though (he catches all the bugs in our house and HATED not being able to get to this one :))!!
