Comments on: 5 Childhood Lessons to De-Stress Election Day Sun, 08 Apr 2012 15:48:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Sauke Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:24:25 +0000 P.S. I vote grilled cheese-and-bologna sandwich! :-)

By: Steven Sauke Tue, 11 Nov 2008 19:21:20 +0000 I too wish I had read this on election day. I was trying to search for a job and keep up with election results. Concentrating on the job search was nearly impossible, especially the more the races seemed to be turning out the opposite of what I voted. We’re in for 4 interesting years.

By: Kim Tue, 11 Nov 2008 02:17:29 +0000 Thanks for all of the great comments everybody!

Jillian, good for you, for not letting it consume your entire night. I bet the walk and the game were a nice break.

Yes, I’ve noticed that the divisive comments about the election are tied right into the level of Adultitis people are dealing with. It’s good to keep it all in perspective… sometimes the act of voting on silly things like grilled cheese vs. bologna helps!

I’m sorry to hear you had an argument at your workplace. UGH. Adultitis strikes again. Sounds like your staff are blessed to have you and your wise perspective around.

Election Recovery Day… I love it!

It IS reason to celebrate the fact that it’s finally over!! I told Jason today, isn’t it nice to NOT have the election to talk about?!

By: Shirley Thu, 06 Nov 2008 20:53:17 +0000 Just saw this article today – I love it! I really liked the part about dressing up – that really makes a day of it. This is a day to be have fun and relax if we ever needed it.

P.S. How about we make the day after election day an Insta-party and call it Election Recovery Day. Win or lose we probably all need it! :)

By: Walt Thu, 06 Nov 2008 03:25:44 +0000 Kim: I wished that I had read your blog on election day. I would have made copies of it for 2 guys going at it about the presidential election. It got quite heated and being the boss of these guys, I thought one went over the line and I thought he engaged in intimation and I will not allow that at my place. I think that our society has gotten plain rude. I think many of us practice what we see on talk TV: Don’t allow the other person to make his/her point by butting in and talking louder and over the other person. Remember, you never learn anything by talking and God gave you 1 mouth and 2 ears!

By: Geoffrey Wed, 05 Nov 2008 23:09:43 +0000 What excellent advice – and now that the election’s over and we can get on with more important decisions (such as grilled cheese vs bologna), the advice still rings true! I’ve heard little discussion today about the results, but there was one comment I heard on the news, a disparaging comment made about one particular political party, that gave me pause for thought. The comment itself did not disturb me, as it was merely an opinion. It was the rancor with which the words were said that I found disturbing. The speaker definitely was suffering from a very severe case of adultitis!

By: Jillian Wed, 05 Nov 2008 16:45:15 +0000 These were great tips. At 7 o’clock I found myself clicking the ‘refresh’ button on the state map every 5 seconds. After almost 15 minutes of this I realized that this was way stupid. So I took my dog for a walk, I played a game, and you were right! My roommate, who had been watching tv all night, came in to tell me who won.
