Comments on: Hide Pokey – EA Show #12 Mon, 19 Sep 2011 16:07:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kateydid Sat, 28 Feb 2009 18:08:04 +0000 Hi All!
I have to say that I was fortunate enough to be at Lucy’s FIRST speaking engagement–what an honor!!!
I was also the one who shared the story of my family baking a purple vulture into a cake… My mom and her sister had this long-standing tradition of passing a rubber purple vulture back and forth. This happened when they were adults, and lived apart, so they had to get pretty creative. Sometimes it would be wrapped up inside a gift (Christmas or birthday), but the goal was to be as sneaky as possible to get the vulture into the other’s possession–it was more of an “Oh no! Now I have the vulture!” and then they tried to get rid of it/back into the other’s possession as soon as possible. Well, they must have been running out of ideas, I think, and so my aunt finally baked it into a cake. It was either for my mom’s wedding shower or baby shower (I don’t remember which), but when my mom cut into the cake, there was the vulture! After that incident, his head was partially severed at the neck…. but my aunt got my mom good! I don’t know if baking the rubber toy in the cake had any ill effects… they did proceeded to eat the cake, and they are a pretty goofy pair, so they may have gotten purple rubber vulture poisoning!!! LOL :)
Anyway, after the K&J engagement at our church, I decided to start a “Pokey game’ with my husband. I decided to use one of those foam creatures that emerges from the capsule when you soak it in water (the warmer the water, the faster you creature hatches). It turned out to be a green T-Rex, so that is our version of Pokey. I told jason about this in an email, and he asked me to share it with all of you here… I started the game, but the first time I found the T-Rex (in my purse, on top of everything so I was sure to find it!), it was like a big cute ‘I love you’ note inserted into my day :) (even though the T-Rex is small!). It made me feel warm and fuzzy all over and I had the biggest mushy grin on my face for a good five minutes :). I think it is really great for our marriage, and I’m thankful Kim and Jason shared this with us. Even though I’d heard the stories of my mom and aunt playing a similar game before I was born, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to play this game with my husband. And it’s LOTS of fun! BTW, he was the last one to hide the T-Rex, and I haven’t been able to find it for several days… despite keeping my eyes peeled, nothing. I asked him how well he hid it, and he assures me it’s in a prominent place. I’m giddy with anticipation! I can’t wait to find it and have that rush all over again :)
Oh, and as for my favorite animated character from childhood, that’s a really tough one. At the time, I really liked HE-man and SHE-ra, but now I reject violent cartoons (I’m a pacifist). I don’t remember the name of the character on their shows, but it was a ghost with a purple hat and red shirt with a large “O” in black on it (does anyone remember this character?)… I liked him. Also,I really like Snoopy and Woodstock, though I was introduced to them more in the print format, and only later did I see them animated. (I even have a little plastic figurine of Snoopy and Woodstock hugging in my office!) And, along the same lines, I was introduced to Calvin and Hobbes (who are only in print form, so not animated) when I was in (approximately) 7th grade, and absolutely LOVE them… but I guess that doesn’t answer the question. Oh, and I loved the Care Bears cartoon and movies!!! Does anyone else remember them? So maybe I would pick them. Not just one, but all. Yeah, I liked Papa Smurf too. Oh, I guess I could go on and on!!!

By: Jennifer Thu, 26 Feb 2009 15:14:03 +0000 I used to love She-Ra, Gummi Bears, the Hulk Hogan WWF cartoon, and The Ghostbusters. Land of the Lost, though not a cartoon, was pretty exciting too.

By: Earl Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:09:55 +0000 He Man and GI Joes were my favorites. I went to see the He Man and She Ra cartoon movies when they came out, but did not pay much attention to the live action movie, which was pretty bad. I’m hoping that the new GI Joe movie will be great.

By: Pat Thu, 26 Feb 2009 01:31:51 +0000 Who does all the special effects with the video? Must be really talented and a wonderful memory. How do you find all those clips you use. Some of them are so hilarious. Pat
P.S. I see Lucy has found her tongue. Was she sticking it out at Uncle Doug?

By: Becky Wed, 25 Feb 2009 17:32:54 +0000 Thunder Thunder TTTTHHHHUUUUNNNNDDDDDEEERRRRCCCAAATTTSSS!! The was the coolest cartoon for me and I will admit I habored a secret dream well into my older years to be Cheetara. I mean how cool was that cat!! Not only was she good looking (in feline terms that is) but she can run super super fast…..and has the “sixth sense”. And let’s not forget her motto “never stop trying”….works for me!! :)

By: Cindi Tue, 24 Feb 2009 05:07:55 +0000 You no more got the question out of your mouth for this week and my man; Mr.Magoo, came out from the tip of my tongue. I have so many memories of Quincy Magoo, Charley and Bowser. My Uncle Bill was a bachelor and he lived next to us until he passed away. He would take me up to the bar my aunt owned and operated (my dad’s and his sister), and plop me on a stool right next to the bar. Aunt Annie would immediately turned on Mr.Magoo, who she swears I called Mr. Goo! I also got a box of Cracker Jacks to munch while viewing Mr.Magoo! I still have the wooden cigar box full of the charms I collected from the Cracker Jacks. The antics that he got into from being nearsighted made me laugh hilariously and so did Bowser the dog, who was really a Siamese Cat. Charley, Mr. Magoo’s Chinese houseboy was a favorite character on the show that I also really enjoyed. My dad worked with a man that looked just like Mr. Magoo. The resemblance was very uncanny! I appreciate your making me think about Quincy Magoo! It brings make happy memories to me. Thanks, Cindi
By the way, Lucy seems like a very happy and content baby. Cindi

By: Steven Mon, 23 Feb 2009 18:20:29 +0000 I think that might be your hardest poll yet. Yikes! I like both of them. I voted for Gumby because I remember him better from when I was little.

I’ve always liked Snoopy… His imagination is endless, and he gets very excited about small things, such as Charlie Brown bringing him his food. He may also be the only dog I know of who keeps in regular touch with his brothers. He’s one of the only characters who loyally sticks with Charlie Brown through thick and thin, despite what Lucy says (except for brief moments when Charlie Brown is late in bringing his dinner). He’s also great with birds.
