Comments on: 12 Things You Must Do In 2010 – EA Show #50 Mon, 26 Mar 2012 23:59:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Steven Wed, 27 Jan 2010 18:06:35 +0000 I decided to watch this again, and so I double-clicked on the video link…and was confused when there were a bunch of people speaking at once. I thought maybe Katie got involved in the conversation before I got there, since I heard two men’s voices and two women’s voices. I also heard a lot of repetition. It kinda sounded like those songs you sing in a round. I decided I should definitely pause it, because there was obviously a problem. Two of the voices stopped, and two of them kept going. I closed one tab, and voilà! Problem solved.

Thought I’d share.
