Comments on: The Secret to Getting More Quality Time Sat, 31 Mar 2012 19:12:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jason Wed, 07 Jul 2010 17:39:01 +0000 In reply to Chris.

That’s right about being prepared to fail, Chris. As a creative person, whether it’s art or design or writing, I have found without a doubt that waiting for inspiration to strike is a fruitless pursuit; the best stuff I’ve come up with has been part of a rigorous routine of creating lots and lots of stuff — most of it being quite terrible. But it’s amidst the rubbish that you find the gems.

By: Chris Mon, 28 Jun 2010 08:40:55 +0000 Hi Jason,

I have Drops Like Stars too – I bought it when Rob Bell was on tour here in Scotland. Hearing him talk about the things in the book brings it even more to life!

I loved that illustration, and I think you’re transferring it right with regards to quality time. I also took away that if you want to succeed at something, you have to be prepared to fail. After all, the “quantity” group will have produced some rotten pieces as well… but that didn’t really matter because they just carried on and tried again. The “quality” group couldn’t afford to fail, so they worked hard on perfection… and didn’t get there.

Anyway, just some random thoughts :) Thanks for reminding me about the book – I must dig it out and read it again.
