Comments on: Pregnant Women Have Super Powers and You Can Too! Mon, 26 Mar 2012 20:44:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larissa Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:09:53 +0000 I recently gave birth to my second child and yes, being pregnant certainly heightens your senses and sensibility towards all living things and the circle of life, and it is an awareness that we do best to keep after we’ve given birth. Tears and sensibility have been stigmatized as signs of weakness, but strong people can benefit from them too. Being a parent you have to be strong in order to take care of your family, but you also have to be sensible to all the eye-opening things your children are experiencing and understand their tears, and let your own flow sometimes as well! May everything continue to go well with your pregnancy and labor!

By: Sarah Mon, 22 Aug 2011 11:27:00 +0000 Thanx for not only your words of wisdom but also for the sounds of nature I heard in the background of your video; birds chirping and bugs buzzing. It was a nice nature escape while sitting at my desk at work. And no, I am not pregnant! Make it a great day!! :^)
