Comments on: To Be Continued Sat, 11 Jul 2015 11:30:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Saturday Morning Sprinkles: Playing with Spilled Drinks Edition Sat, 11 Jul 2015 11:30:15 +0000 […] To be continued • #Notarule Tour Stop at NEW Zoo in Green […]

By: JoAnn Sat, 04 Jul 2015 15:17:16 +0000 I love your stories about faith (great references to movies), and trust in Mary (someone we could learn more about and pray more to), and your problems with the rosary. I also have a problem with it being too rote, but after pushing myself to pray it more (offering it up for the poor souls in purgatory because it was so hard for me) I too am beginning to find that it can be so meditative that it can almost take you to another place. A very peaceful place. So keep up all you’re doing! And keep a strong faith, stepping out where you can’t see with your eyes, depending on God!

By: Katie Fri, 03 Jul 2015 05:06:06 +0000 Thank you for sharing your faith with your readers and fans. I appreciate your words here so much, and yes, I was wondering which Mary. Your book and stories are inspiring, and I know there are great things in store.

By: Minette Fri, 03 Jul 2015 01:25:57 +0000 Jason,

In early 2000, I was discerning whether I should apply to a leadership program at work. I went to a monastery in Dubuque, IA (partly to escape from the Y2K craziness but that’s another story), and did a discernment exercise. Night before, write down pros and cons and then tuck the paper away, giving them up to God. Day one, “act as if you said yes to this decision”, see what happens, and write it all down. Day two, “act as if no”, see what happens, and write it all down. Day three, meet with the spiritual director. (This is a VERY truncated version of discernment, mind you!)

Day one – The sun shone; I wandered in the woods and had a flash of brilliance about how to finish a poem I’d been trying to finish for a year; everything was beautiful and all was bright and gay.

Day two – I woke up at 4 am with a raging headache, went to prayer at 4:30 am with said headache, had a hard time keeping “quiet” for the contemplative prayer period between 6-7 am, and when I went back to have breakfast, A FLY FELL IN MY OATMEAL! And it wasn’t even 8 am! It rained and was a generally crummy day.

Day three – I met with the spiritual director. I told her of my experiences. She laughed out loud and said, “You do know what He’s saying, don’t you? And you do know he’s usually not quite this black and white?” I hauled myself off, wrote my application, and sent it in. And wasn’t selected. I raged. I fired off an email to Sister. Why did God want me to apply for something that I wouldn’t get? Her response: “You asked if you should apply, not if you’d be accepted.” *hmph* In the meantime, every time I was at a work function with higher ups, they all told me to apply again the next year – 2000 had more applicants than usual because of a prior freeze. Since I wasn’t in the program, I was able to take care of a medical issue in the latter part of 2000.

End result? I applied again in 2001 (I didn’t bother with the discernment process), was accepted, had some amazing experiences in 2001 and 2002 (including being in Norfolk, VA less than two months after 9/11 – now THAT was high security!), and am forever grateful for the lesson in perseverance and trust. God answers in HIS time and manner, not ours, and he WILL answer your prayers, in ways you could never imagine!

By: Jason Hewlett Fri, 03 Jul 2015 00:34:03 +0000 Another powerful and hopeful post. Love it. Thank you for sharing so vulnerably and authentically. Really excited because I already gave away 5 copies to my friends and clients, hoping it leads to more awareness. I know this book will be a best seller and classic!
