Comments on: Studio Sneak Peek #82: Is It Cheating? Mon, 16 Sep 2019 02:35:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Polly D. Mon, 16 Sep 2019 02:35:52 +0000 Hi Jason, I STILL have a ‘morgue file’ — haha, haven’t heard that term in so long, but then again I started in the graphic design biz in 1984 (yeah, I’m that old!). Yes, way before computers and the Internet, morgue files were life-savers for greasing up the ol’ brain. Mine is mostly in cardboard storage boxes and one file cabinet. While I often use the internet for speed and convenience, sometimes it just feels better to slow down and look through the boxes, pulling out items collected over the years, one at a time, and remembering what attracted me to each piece: a font, a color combination, a clever headline, an innovative composition . . . and now there are some new items scavenged from a recent convention in Peoria. Wonderful little bookmarks encouraging me to get tested for adultitis and reminding me to focus on what’s possible. Thanks!! :-D
