Escape Adulthood Wed, 01 May 2019 17:55:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Reignite Your Passion! Stat! Sun, 25 Oct 2009 04:10:36 +0000 One of the keys to being happy with your work is having passion for what you do. Featured again Scrubs magazine, Jason shares 4 tips to help nurses reignite their passion for nursing and continue to treat the Adultitis in their lives.

He’s getting positive feedback and you can read a couple comments below:

The last one is my favorite because everyone can get through today and with a little faith, tomorrow will bring a brighter day. Also, I think in nursing the concept of smiling more is truly contagious and can make anyone’s day a little brighter, including your own.
–By Ladonna M., LPN on September 29, 2009 at 1:03 pm

Oh dear. Just took the Adultitis Intake Quiz. I’ve developed Stage 1!! Time to find a pile of leaves and jump in! STAT!
–By Paris Lia on October 1, 2009 at 12:12 pm

Check out the entire article for all four tips and see how they can help YOU ignite your passion!

Adultitis Care for Nursing Professionals Sat, 22 Aug 2009 15:55:56 +0000 Nurses have a tough job. It’s understandably stressful to care for the wide range of patients who cross their paths as well as deal with the bureaucracy of the world of medicine. Like many care-giver professionals, these amazing people are susceptible to Adultitis.

Jason wrote a helpful article in Scrubs magazine outlining ways for nurses to treat the Adultitis in their lives.

Be curious.
It’s important to keep a childlike curiosity burning within you. The best nurses are the most curious ones. You may have heard the saying “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Asking your patient thoughtful questions—and not just the ones like “Does it hurt when I do this?”—is a great way to communicate caring. I’m not saying you have to put on a Barbara Walters special, especially when you have a heavy patient load. But sprinkling in a few curiosity-inspired questions (Who’s your hero? When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? What was your favorite toy?) goes a long way toward making the patient feel like she’s not just a number.

Read more of this insightful article and share it with the nurses in your life.

News of Adultitis Around the Net Sat, 08 Aug 2009 17:45:11 +0000 Adultitis is being dealt a blow by the attention popping up on the Internet. The more folks know about this debilitating disease the sooner we can successfully begin treating the worst cases.

Here are some blogs and news articles that feature the fight against this epidemic:

  • Diagnosis is the first step to beginning your fight against Adultitis. Little Miss Deb made the discovery and some interesting observations on her blog.
  • Some Cranky Guy joined the fight by encouraging folks to check out our “interesting site” and linking from his blog.
  • Radio host Jen Mattison shines some “lite” on the definition of Adultitis.
  • Jason was interviewed by Madison’s Isthmus about podcasting:

Madison podcasts that follow in this tradition vary widely in their themes. In one, Kim and Jason, available at, a local married couple offer motivational “recipes” for fending off “adultitis.” It’s a term they use to define grownups who have lost all sense of childlike curiosity and play.

Branching out from the podcasts, the couple have become popular motivational speakers at churches, businesses and social service agencies, according to Jason Kotecki. “We’ve been able to sell about 5,000 copies of the book we self-published on this subject,” he says.

Adultitis Intake

Have you been tested? Check out the website dedicated to eradicating this disease from the planet.

Old School Love for New Tee Sat, 01 Aug 2009 17:00:55 +0000 Our “Old School” Hopscotch T-Shirt is getting lots of love.

First this schoolyard classic was top of the Daytee voting two weeks ago, and now it receives some bloglove from a cool t-shirt-loving blogger, Coty Gonzales.


I’ll confess I was never a huge hopscotchist (hopscotchianado? hopscotcher?). Maybe it the gravel driveway we had growing up or maybe it was my clumsiness that doomed me to skinned knees with all that hopping about, either way I certainly don’t have the fond memories Coty has of hopscotching in Hawaii:

I have to admit, in elementary school I had some mad Hopscotch skills. I remember this popular recess time game being very intricate and competitive. It was much more than just hopping from square to square. There were certain levels that required you to start by launching from a certain start distance and let’s not forget the difficult “washing machine” level that required you to spin 360 degrees block to block.

Thanks for the sharing your story Coty! Keep up the fun blogging!

Read the complete review on his cool blog and be sure to check out Co-Tee TV. Now why don’t you hop up like Coty and share your old school hopscotch story in the comments?

Sweet Lemondrop Against Sour Adultitis Sat, 18 Jul 2009 17:07:08 +0000 LemondropAnother blog is joining the crusade to help folks Escape Adulthood. Lemondrop is helping spread the word about Adultitis with their interview of Kim & Jason. Here’s an excerpt:

Obviously, the pair’s not advocating skipping out on your duties. But they think that we all might be a bit happier fulfilling them if we can recapture some of the wonder we had about life as children. And there’s a difference, the couple says, between approaching life in a childlike way versus a childish way.

“Now, if we are to take a childlike look at the current state of the economy, instead of dwelling on the fear and loathing, we should open our eyes to the opportunities,” Jason said. “Perhaps a door has closed in your life. Not fun. But are you missing the windows that are opening up in front of you because you’re too preoccupied looking back at what you lost?”

Read the entire interview here. Thanks for the sweet post Lauren!

Escaping Adulthood with the New Escapologist Sat, 04 Jul 2009 21:54:08 +0000 Kim & Jason were interviewed by Robert Wringham, a humourist, performer, and editor of the New Escapologist. They answered questions about escaping adulthood and the Escape Plan Challenge. You can read the whole blog post here. I’ve pulled a couple of the questions I liked below:

NE: You’ve interpreted maturity as an illness. What makes you see it as one?New Escapologist

K&J: Maturity is not necessarily an illness, but taking yourself too seriously can be a problem. We like to differentiate the differences between being childish and childlike. We don’t think people should start paying their bills with Monopoly money and mucking around with Play-Doh all day. But we think getting back to a more childlike attitude is important.

NE: We always seem to be running from something or to something. We want to quit our jobs; we want to quit this city. No one seems happy with where they are these days. Why do you think people are so bent on escape?

K&J: People look for meaning in life. They are disenchanted and fed up with the stuff we’ve all been fed through the media and the advertising of big corporations. There’s way more to life than chasing after the next big thing, “keeping up with the Joneses”, and buying “stuff” to make us happy. Children have a built-in purity, wisdom, and happiness that we often overlook and that is definitely worth tapping into.

Very cool article. I loved doing the Escape Plan Challenge! Summer is here and a great time to try all 40 challenges!

360 Degree Shout-Out Thu, 11 Jun 2009 14:30:23 +0000 Tim at 360 Degree Self did a nice post about our fight against Adultitis.

He submitted a great comment for Jason’s post about The Importance of Family Dinner that was read on EA Show #23.

Thanks for the nice write-up Tim. We’re always happy when folks find a resource for escaping adulthood!

Be In The Know Fri, 05 Jun 2009 12:00:45 +0000 One last tidbit to share with you from my interview with Jason from last week:

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter or become a Kim & Jason Facebook fan. All the cool kids are doing it.

kj-twitterThere are lots of fun ideas and insight on the kimandjason Twitter feed. Start following today to get little Adultitis fighting tweets. kj-facebook

Kim and Jason mentioned Facebook in this week’s episode of the Escape Adulthood Show. There are often great extras on our Kim & Jason page including Lucy photos and Lemonade Stand info. Become a fan and get some inside information.

Design Details Interview with Jason Fri, 29 May 2009 16:15:55 +0000 After the final tweaks had been finished, I got a chance to ask webmaster Jason a few questions about the new design for

How many times has the Kim & Jason website been redesigned?

Oy. Lots and lots of times. I’m sure a visit to the Wayback Machine would uncover about a dozen or so versions. Our business has changed a lot over the years which requires a constant evolution. Also technology has made quite a few advancements as well. For instance, our blog started out as a simple thread called “Bird Droppings” in a bulletin board forum. bird-droppingsOnce blogs were officially invented, we launched one on Typepad and them moved over to WordPress, which I love so much I’d want to marry it. (Too bad, WordPress, I’m taken.) Now, pretty much our entire site is built in WordPress, which didn’t even exist when we started out. Crazy.

Was there anything in particular that inspired part or all of the new look?

Well, the paint colors in our new office played a big part. office-colorsI’m also tired of the overly shiny “Web 2.0” look you see everywhere. I wanted something that felt a little bit homemade, with little touches that remind you of childhood. I seem to always take pieces of the old designs and implement them into the new ones. Not sure if that’s because they worked or because I’m lazy.

What is you favorite part of the redesign?

I definitely like the colors. They’re bright and sunny, and reminiscent of childhood without beating you over he head with the standard primary colors you’d see in a kindergarten classroom. I’m also happy that the site is SO much easier to maintain and update. minichalkboard1

But my favorite thing is the little Chalkboard icon that tells you how many comments are on a post. I think that turned out pretty neat.

Do you have words of wisdom for other folks looking to redesign their websites?

I side with Einstein, who said, “Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.” Also, keep your font selection limited. No more than three. Oh, and stuff Comic Sans in the trunk of your car, drive to the desert, and bury it fifty feet under some rock.

Any new features you want to point out?

I think the Art Gallery section is pretty sweet, particularly the paintings, sketches, and Weekend comics. The Tools section offers up a nice directory of some of the things people can access to Escape Adulthood.

Thanks Jason! Be sure to take a peek at the past in the gallery of screen shots below and also check out all the cool new stuff here at the!

[autoviewer id=”7″ width=”450″ height=”300″ ]

Young At Heart Grandparenting Tip Wed, 06 May 2009 22:16:58 +0000 asked popular mom bloggers what they really think about grandparents roles.

Kim was one of the contributors to the article, “What Moms REALLY Think of YOU!”

Check out Tip #21 for her words of advice for young at heart fun with the grandkids.

Escape Your Adulthood on Viddler Sat, 18 Apr 2009 22:18:46 +0000 Viddler blogger Derek is a connoisseur of online video content. He shares high praise for The EA Show:

This is where The Escape Adulthood Show comes in! Colin (our Technology Evangelist) recently told me about the show and I love it! Kim and Jason are out helping grown-ups of all ages to slow down and Escape Adulthood.

viddler-logoCheck out his full post and see other referrals for great online TV viewing.

Thanks for including us among your favs Derek! ~Jenna :)

Heart of Rock & Roll Mon, 09 Feb 2009 01:52:34 +0000 Kim & Jason friend Eliz Greene makes a great case for having fun during Heart Month with this post on her blog.

Along with sharing stories about Bruce Springsteen and her rocking the stage, Eliz gives this piece of wisdom:

The next time an opportunity to dress up, wear a crazy hat or do something outside of your everyday comfort zone comes along – do it! Embrace a bit of silliness or a new adventure. Let your heart be wide open.

Keep on rockin’ Eliz!

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Candy Hearts Sat, 07 Feb 2009 19:37:36 +0000 Just in time for Valentine’s, we got some bloglove from “The Kid.” You may know her from her comments after EA Show #8 when she weighed in our “Is Ketchup a Food?” poll.

Thanks Kid! ~Jenna :)

We’re number 1! Tue, 03 Feb 2009 19:31:13 +0000 Scott Ginsberg helps spread our message and shares some great advice with his post: “17 Ways to Out-Create the Competition.”

1. Are you allowing yourself to create? It begins with permission. Returning to your childhood. As my friends Kim & Jason say, “Escape Adulthood!” Be a kid.

Check out Kim and Jason talking about Scott in EA Show #9.

Ultimate Living Interview MP3 Available Fri, 30 Jan 2009 21:09:31 +0000

Jason was interviewed on Quality of Life Radio this past Monday. For those who missed the live show, the MP3 is now available at the Ultimate Living website.

You can listen in their archives or download it to your computer. Jason’s portion of the show is in the last 25 minutes.

Listen Live Monday January 26, 2009 Fri, 23 Jan 2009 17:13:13 +0000 On Monday, January 26, Jason will be interviewed on Ultimate Living Quality of Life Radio.

You can listen to the show live through BlogTalkRadio here. The show airs from 9 am until 11 am PST.

Questions for Jason can be sent from the radio show’s webpage – look for the box with the question mark.

Woman’s Day January 2009 Sun, 18 Jan 2009 22:05:03 +0000 In an article in the January 2009 issue of Woman’s Day magazine entitled “Ring In The New You,” Kim shares some Adultitis-fighting advice with readers.january-1-2008_current_issue

“When I taught kindergarten the kids would make up holidays, like the 100th day of school, and we’d have cupcakes,” says Kim Kotecki, coauthor of The Escape Plan: A 40-Day Plan to Annihilate the Adultitis in Your Life. Do the same: Cheer because it’s a sunny day. Have a cupcake just because it’s Wednesday.

Read all the other great ideas here.

That’s the scoop! ~Jenna :)

Catholic TV Interview Thu, 15 Jan 2009 19:17:33 +0000 Kim and Jason were recently interviewed on the show “This Is The Day.” Father Reed and Jay Fadden talked to Kim and Jason via phone about the fight against Adultitis.


Their Escape Adulthood blog is now a part of the iCatholic blog reader featured on as well.

That’s the scoop! ~Jenna :)
