The Challenge: Write down one big dream of yours. Draw or find a picture to go with it and put it somewhere you will see it often.
Kim:Why am I going to put a picture of a license plate on my fridge? Well, one of my big dreams is to visit all 50 states. I think it would be neat to collect license plates from each of the states I visit. Jason and I hope to have a fun and playful basement family room someday. I would like to display the license plates throughout that room. So, I’ve found a picture of a license plate to remind me of this big dream. At this point in my 27 years I’ve visited 17 states, so just 33 to go!
Jason:When I was a little kid and my family would go on road trips, my brothers and I would eagerly peer out the windows. The object of our gaze: cars. More specifically, cars we would claim as our own. Anytime one of us would see a car that we’d love to have someday, that person would yell, “Mine!” Once you claimed it, it was yours.
I especially loved driving near Chicago. Having grown up in a small town, the selection of really cool cars was, shall we say, limited. The closer to Chicago you got, the better chance you had of seeing a Ferarri, Corvette, or my favorite, a jet black Porsche. It was really important to be alert; you surely didn’t want your sibling stealing away the car of your dreams.
Even since childhood I have always wanted a Porsche of my own. A real one.
Today, while walking to dinner with Kim in San Mateo, we spotted not one Porsche, but two. She reminded me that she had brought along the camera. I snapped photos of each, and plan on displaying them when we return home. I’m not sure what kind I’ll get when that day comes, but I know what color it will be.
Dark Room Confessionals:
Bonus Video: Kim | Jason
So, who was most creative with today’s challenge? Who went beyond the comfort zone and put the biggest hammer on Adultitis? Who did a better job of capturing the spirit of childhood, Kim or Jason? Cast Your Vote!
Tomorrow’s Challenge: Audio Sneak Peek
My dream has pretty much always been to make a game that is played by lots of people.
My dream vacation is to go to Prince Edward Island, Canada. (Like in the book “Anne of Green Gables”) Truth be told, my ‘real’ dream is to honeymoon there…..I think it is such a wonderfully romantic place! I actually have a pic of the Green Gables house on my fridge, given to me by a friend. I can’t wait to walk barefoot on the beautiful beaches with my “Gilbert”!
Marci Anne-girl
My dream is to be a professional drummer, playing venues all over the world and living the, well, not the rock ‘n roll lifestyle exactly, but a good life in which I play music for a living, and it doesn’t feel like a job.
On my monitor is a little drumkit alarm clock. It’s actually a bit rough these days, and mostly in bits, but I keep it there anyway to remind me of when my journey began.
We both have dreams that are not related to each other. We decided to find a picture of each of our dreams and set the picture as wallpaper onto our computers. One of Doug’s dreams is to be on Saturday Night Live so that now is his wallpaper. Katie would like to see the Eiffel Tower one day so she set that as her wallpaper. It is a great reminder of our dreams that we see everyday!
Anyone that knows me knows that one of my biggest dreams is to write
a book. I have the title, intro and some life lessons done. No surprise, I also have the illustrator lined up.
I drew a picture of me approaching a desk with a pile of my new books on the desk. Rushing to get an autographed copy are my screaming fans.
I will post this artistic treasure on my writing desk.
Special note: The art talent skipped over me. That being said, I was still impressed by my artwork, but I am easily impressed!
One of my ‘aahhh’ dreams is a house out in the country surrounded by rolling hills, greens & browns, peace & quiet. So, I have a book full of other dreams, but that’s the last one & that page will remain open in my car (my traveling office) to remind me that’s where I want to get.
So inspired by the computer wallpaper theme running in today’s comments, I’ve added a picture of Anne and Gilbert to my desktop….it’s from my very favorite scene in the second movie….the last scene, just before their long-awaited kiss, Gilbert says, “I can’t give you sunburts or marble halls…”, Anne replies, “I don’t want any sunbursts or marble halls, I just want you.” And they kiss….how simply romantic!
After the day I’ve had today, I’m definitely enjoying seeing Anne and Gilbert on my computer and dreaming about PEI….wish I was there now.
One of my big dreams is to have a room with at least one wall that is floor to ceiling bookcases. I recently went to IKEA and saw several great displays and combinations. I have the brochures I picked up and I’ve got some photos from online. I made a little 3D display and put it in my bedroom.
We always dream about retiring someplace WARM. Definitely a condo – no shoveling, no lawn mowing. The current top choice is San Diego, California. I’m hoping to find a great picture and use it as a screen saver. If that doesn’t work, I can ask my brother-in-law in LA to get us a postcard to put on the fridge. We’ll see what pictures I find…
Here it is – the picture now gracing our desktop
My dream is to write a book. I even have a deadline: this Halloween. I’ve just gone through my calendar with a countdown of the days. And my Halloween day is decorated with a picture of me and the finished (yet to be titled) work.
Our dream is to go to Ireland and stay a month or two. Other relatives have gone and shared such beautiful views of the landscape and people. We hope to realize this dream next fall, ’07.
Gotta say, I was a bit disappointed in yesterday’s challenge. As you recall I chose an experiment with Telepathy. Thousands of times in the day I chanted the mantra, “Call me Randy, call me.” Randy never called. This is what I expected going into the project, but by the time I finished I really hoped he would! I’m a bit of a romantic and think we need a bit more magic in our lives. It still maybe that Randy is telepathic, but just wasn’t listening yesterday.
Today I’m dreaming. Don’t tell my wife. She thinks I already do too much of this. Actually, she’s softening. She always had a dream of going to Newfoundland. Last April when I suddenly discovered I could retire a year earlier than I expected, and that retirement included a $10,000.00 bonus I didn’t know about, I called her on the phone and said, “Get ready, on the 1st day of July, were heading for Newfoundland!” We did it and after 11,080 miles on the road had not only visited Newfoundland but Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the PEI while I knocked off all the remaining states on my list. Leaving me only Alaska to complete all 50! Believe, Kim, believe! I was 45 before I even crossed the Mississippi!
My current dream is to become a world class blogger! Making it to Alaska is a foregone conclusion.
Curiously, I have recently just started my own Law of Attraction project…with the target of finding a job in London and moving there to be with my boyfriend, who is already there.
I have basically covered half of my desk with memorabilia from my recent holiday in the UK; my friend sent me one of her London postcards (also doing the same thing with the same objective); both my work and home computer wallpapers are of something in London; I have an email of encouragement and belief that this will work out tacked to my board at work; and my boyfriend has just sent me something to add to my collection.
Ok. I know how that sounds like. Seems like I’m going overboard?! Hahaha…
But I don’t care. Whatever works right?
What is even more curious is that a little while after I started this project, I walked by a clothing store and *gasp* saw that they are selling this t-shirt that says “Going to London! So excited!”.
I bought it and now wear it whenever it’s not in the wash.
(it’s ok. You can laugh. I would point and laugh too!)
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Honestly, my biggest dream is that I want to have fun! It seems like it should be easy, but it can be pretty difficult sometimes. I’m in my last semester of college (which I often refer to as an adult factory), and right now I’m just at this point where I feel like everything about me is getting boiled down to what homework I turn in or what’s on my resume. It’s really a depressing thought that’s been bringing me down lately. So I set my dream in a direction of finding more to life than just work, or remaining within the fine lines of how an adult should act.
I drew my picture, with a cartoon version of me in the middle, and various aspects of my ideal fun life around me: a few of my stuffed animals (yeah, I love to play with them sometimes!), a video game, my radio that I use to record goofy tapes with, my comic book, a pretend title of Chapter 200 of the story I like to write (I’m on 25 right now), a chalk drawing of a sun, and an image of this video project I’m just starting for a class, starring, again, a few of my stuffed animals. And I put an enthusiastic four star rating underneath it!
I feel drawing this helped me because I was feeling really down today. It’s nice to remember a goal I have that wasn’t assigned to me! And getting thoughts sprouted in my head about it being a reality. Now I’ve just gotta let the ink dry overnight and color it in later so I can get it up on my wall somewhere!
K — Thanks for the comment, and what a great way to tackle this challenge!
You are so right about college being an “adult factory.” Sometimes I think the whole school system is design to turn us all into Adultitis-ridden rule followers. Hang on to your individuality as well as your dreams! Making them come true always requires hard work, but never give up. Keep your positive attitude, because it will rub off on others.
Keep rocking life. It’s too short to live by the rules that don’t exist.
And give your stuffed animals a hug for me
Challenge #6, I did it! Totally scared to, but I did it anyway! I blogged about my big dream and I put up a picture to remind me of it. Big breakthrough for me, I tell you! I may or may not make this dream a reality while in the flesh, but I believe there is more waiting after this life. So sooner or later… it will be mine! (Okay, I actually don’t feel that confident about it yet, but I’ve got to fake it till I make it. “As a man thinketh,” yes?)