The Challenge: Draw a funny picture and hide it in an unexpected place for someone else to find.
Kim:I spent almost all of today on planes heading home from CA, so this gave me some prime opportunities to hide a funny picture. If you’ve ever flown then you are undoubtedly familiar with the Sky Mall Magazine that is located by the puke bad in the seat ahead of you. I thought this would be a perfect spot to tuck away a funny hello. I specifically decided not to include it in the airline safety information booklet because no one ever really looks at those. It would be years before someone finds my picture there. I wish I could hide a miniature video camera to catch the reaction of the person when they find this picture. I even wrote on there to check out to see why I did this. Who knows, maybe that person will comment on today’s post about finding it.
Jason:I had to take advantage of being on a plane today. I pulled out the "motion discomfort" bag (which I am both happy to say I’ve never had to use and sorry to say I’ve never been able to see anyone use) to serve as my canvas.
I thought of putting some uplifting or encouraging words for the person who may ultimately use it. A little Hallmark moment, if you will. For some reason, the thought of Garth from Wayne’s World came to mind. Specifically the part when he said, "If you have to spew, spew in this."
That gave me inspiration for a great illustration — the bag needed a little gussying up. I’m sorry to say that the likeness of Garth was marginal at best. It’s not like I had an arsenal of reference photos at my disposal (and if I did, I would’ve gladly traded them for more leg room.) My imagination runs wild thinking about the people who will end up seeing my little work of art, hoping they’ll giggle hysterically and pass the bag around the whole plane for a big laugh. Party on!
Or maybe they’ll look at it and say, "Who’s this supposed to be?"
Dark Room Confessionals:
Bonus Video: Kim | Jason
So, who was most creative with today’s challenge? Who went beyond the comfort zone and put the biggest hammer on Adultitis? Who did a better job of capturing the spirit of childhood, Kim or Jason? Cast Your Vote!
Tomorrow’s Challenge: Audio Sneak Peek
I like to think that the title of my escape plan entry number 6 reminded you of Garth
That’s a great spew-bag.
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We both spent some time after work doing a little drawing for each other to find. It was quite funny. Doug’s pencil kept breaking and Katie was laughing while drawing hers. It will be interesting when we find each other’s drawings somewhere around the house.
One of my favourite sayings is “In the words of Gromit…”, the irony of which is that Gromit (of the famous Wallace & Gromit cartoon duo) never actually says a word. So, in a quiet moment today at work, I doodled a little picture of Gromit, wide-eyed, with the words “In the words of Gromit…” underneath and left it in one of the magazine racks. I can’t say the likeness was overwhelmingly exact, but I think it looked a bit like him.
I got to break out the markers, crayons, even glitter glue for my drawing. My friend Sue just left on a trip to New Mexico and I hid my drawing in her suitcase! Hopefully when she finds it she’ll smile! It’s got to be better than those “we’ve examined your suitcase” flyers
Tomorrow is “playgroup” and I’m going to hide a picture in the hostess’ house. I’m thinking maybe in the microwave.
Hmmm, don’t want to burn her house down though…
I’m not an artist in the least – but I do make a pretty good smiley face – so I doodled a “you’re great” message with a B!G smiley face and hid it in between our therapy cardex file for my secretary to find when she put the billing in at the end of the day today. I’ll find out tomorrow if she discovered her doodle!
My art work reminds me of when we have the grade school kids in our town work with the local newspaper and they draw up an ad for the lumberyard.
My boss’s nephew Chadd loves bagels. His aunt runs the local bagel shop in Peru, Il called 4th Street Bakery. From time to time she gives Chadd the “seasoned” bagels. He brings them down to the lumberyard puts them in the freezer and charges us a quarter each.
So I drew up this scene of one of our drivers, Pat with our boom truck unloading a pallet of bagels in front of our lumberyard as Chadd looks on in approval. Pat is thinking “whatever it takes” and Chadd is thinking “I love bagels”
This masterpiece will be duct taped to the inside of our freezer at work for someone to discover.
I drew a picture of some midgets on each others shoulders wearing a long coat.
It’s in the first men’s toilet cubicle at work.
(note to Jason – sorry about the trackbacks that keep taking up huge amounts of comment – I can’t seem to turn them off :S)
I just wanted to let you know, I decided on putting the drawing in her freezer. I made a very silly face with a speech bubble that said “Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!! It’s cold in here!” Hope she smiles when she has to get the frozen corn.
I drew a smiley sun & put it right by the phonebooks in an airport, and said, ‘Smile’ ‘Pass this along’ & I copied Kim & put the website on it too.
Sandy finally found my doodle today – Tuesday, January 24th – only took her two weeks to find it! LOL She did say that it made her smile and I made her day – mission accomplished!!
Draw a tiny spiral… lengthen the last bit and use that to start another spiral going the other way down. Legs and a beak make it a bird of sorts. Add another one facing it and use it as the basis for a cartoon; zillions of permitations.
Pingback: Create365: Doodles | Rebecca Thomas Designs
This one was fun! At first, I was hesitant because I don’t draw much, I wasn’t sure what to draw, blah, blah, blah. But then, when I was at work (of all places) yesterday afternoon, inspiration struck! I took out my colored sharpies and 6 post-it notes and made a doodle puzzle! This morning, before I went to work, I stuck the post-its in various spots around the house for my boyfriend to find when he got up. When he called me at work, he was laughing. He loved it. (By the way… doodle puzzle:
I love the term “doodlesmile.” I’m going to use it in a sentence at least once a week. I drew 2 doodlesmiles, laughing all the while. One was very well received, the other has yet to be found. One of my favorite challenges so far!
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