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Kim's Campaign Diary

"Ladies and gentlemens, thank you for coming to my invention speech. As you know, I am running for President. If you don't know that, you're stupid and where have you been?

It's obvious why you should all vote for me, but here are the main reasons I can think of right now. First, I hate broccoli and I promise to ban it from the United States. That's right folks, no more broccoli – good one, huh?

Also I feel like I have too many chores to do and I know you feel the same way. Don't you just hate dusting the dining room table legs for your Mom? Well enough of that if I'm President.

I think bed times should be higher. If some people are allowed to stay up late, shouldn't we all? That's just like racism, except against people who have early bed times. This is America, we should all be treated with equal, I say.

So now that you know why I should be the President, vote for me on whatever day it is that everybody gets together to vote. I hope it is soon, and I hope you please vote for me. Don't make a big misteak."

Authorized by Kim and paid for with allowance money. ©2004 by Jason Kotecki. All Rights Reserved.