P.S. I convinced my mom to vote for you!!"
Norah W., age 12
"Having only just discovered Kim and being ineligible to vote in an election in the US. I would just like to say that Kim is the only politician I have ever come across that seems to genuinely back her policies and would be willing to follow through on these if she were elected. She also runs a clean campaign. All Americans should do themselves a favour and vote for Kim!"
Jenny O., age 36
Melbourne, Australia
"In this serious business of the upcoming election and who will be our next president it's refreshing to look at the lighter side of politics through the eyes of babes."
Walt K., Peru, IL
"Isn't it a shame and a bit strange that someone would have to spend $50 million dollars to get elected to a job that pays $300,000 per year? What's wrong with this picture? I hope Kim wins."
Cory E., Hagerstown, MD
"I laughed hysterically when I watched Kim's campaign commercial. The daily comic strips are cute, but very smart at the same time."
Michelle A.
Madison, WI
"I am loving your Presidential race series. Finally someone can bring a smile to my face about something that is very serious, but that I think the media hypes up so out of proportion. Thank you for your fresh outlook."
Barb H.,
"I think that Kim & Jason has been doing a good job of doing a political story without sarcasm. There's enough negative stuff in the ads, this is just fun. Plus the strips are a funny perspective on life."
"Please be advised that the Constitution of the United States of America requires that any candidate for the Presidency of the United States be a minimum of 35 years of age and the he or she has resided in the United States for a minimum of 14 years. Since your candidate “Kim” (no last name given) is only four years of age I regret to inform you that her name will not appear on any of the 51 ballots in the November Presidential Election. Thank you for your interest in the American Democratic process."
The Federal Election Commission
"Gee, too bad Kim can not really be the president... imagine a world without broccoli!!!!!"
Pam, age 43
Amarillo, TX