For Release During The Election Season
Four-Year-Old Girl Enters Election Race
In Bid To Become First Woman President!
MADISON, Wisconsin – August 20, 2004 – A four-year-old girl named Kim has officially announced her intent to run for President of The United States. With the support of her best friend Jason as her campaign manager, Kim aims to run on an agenda to raise the national minimum bedtime while championing a constitutional amendment that would ban all forms of broccoli. When asked whether she was running as a Democrat or a Republican, she flatly proclaimed, “I’m a Pisces.”
Kim is a main character in a comic strip about childhood, entitled Kim & JasonTM. “Like many citizens, Kim is confused by some of the big issues, and particularly the big words, being tossed around by the current candidates,” said Jason Kotecki, cartoonist and creator of the daily strip. “Kim has always been intent on wanting to change the world. She has a lot of experience in changing things, most recently when she completely changed her bedroom around (her bed is now next to the window).”
Since its debut in 2000, Kim & Jason has appealed to worldwide readers of all ages with its humorous childlike look at both important and ordinary issues, from politics to pumpkin carving. The official campaign web site is, where readers can stay informed on all of the crucial “Kim For President” news, such as:
• Kim’s controversial selection of a running mate.
• Full coverage of Kim’s campaign convention.
• Celebrities who are endorsing Kim’s election bid.
• Comprehensive strategies and results from the debates.
For campaign insights and information on the sappy origins of the comic strip about childhood, call 608-278-1880 to interview Jason.
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For More Information Contact:
Jason Kotecki
JBiRD iNK, Ltd.