The Challenge: Create a memory today with someone you care about that will mean a lot ten years from now.
Kim:When Jason and I were dating I made it a habit to bake him cherry pies every so often. That is his all-time favorite dessert. Well, I have slacked and he reminds me every now and again of this. Now that we’ve been married almost six years, I am embarrassed to say that I can count on both hands how many cherry pies I’ve made him in our marriage. So, I wanted to make this pie memorable. My first challenge was to make it without him knowing. Anyone who has been to our place knows that it is not that big. How was I going to bake this without him seeing me and also smelling the yumminess?
While Jason was in the shower this morning I hurried up and put the pie together and somehow managed to hide it in our fridge behind a big bag of romaine lettuce. Now, hiding the smell of it baking. Well, thanks to a Kim & Jason Sugar Cookie candle which I lit, the whole place smelled like cookies. It managed to hide the baking smells of the pie. I snuck in the kitchen after lunch and put the pie in the oven and snuck it into our bedroom to cool. When it was time for an afternoon snack I called Jason to sit on the couch with a blindfold. He was pretty nervous, not having a clue what I was about to feed him. “Is it cherry pie?!” It was quite a surprise! How is this going to be memorable ten years from now? I plan on it being the last pie I make for ten more years. 🙂
Jason:To me, nothing says memorable like a good kidnapping. At noon today, I hijacked Kim and Jenna from their regularly scheduled day. After blindfolding them with scarves and making sure they couldn’t see anything, I guided them into the car.
Feeling the need to try and throw them off the scent, I took the roundabout way to McDonald’s. I took their Happy Meal order — I’m addicted, see Challenge #3 — and proceeded through the drive-thru. Surprisingly, no one at McDonald’s seemed to notice that I had two blindfolded women in my car. Apparently, that sort of thing is commonplace.
I did get a few strange looks from passersby on the way to our final destination: the zoo. At that point, I allowed the hostages to remove their blindfolds. It was a very unseasonable 49º day and would have been a crime to not take advantage of the sunshine. We settled in for a nice lunch with the lions (our bench was across from the lion cub exhibit.) They came up pretty close; I think they were attracted by the aroma of fresh hot cheeseburgers. Afterwards, we went for a nice stroll through the zoo. The only downside was the lame-o Barbie necklace we got in the Happy Meals.
Dark Room Confessionals:
Bonus Video: Kim | Jason
So, who was most creative with today’s challenge? Who went beyond the comfort zone and put the biggest hammer on Adultitis? Who did a better job of capturing the spirit of childhood, Kim or Jason? Cast Your Vote!
Tomorrow’s Challenge: Audio Sneak Peek
Today is my good friend Jenna’s birthday. I decided to try and make this a memorable one for her. On the way to her office, I stopped and got a box of Krispy Kreme donuts. Before hoisting her out of the car, I got my daughter dressed up her best party attire (leopard ears and a lilac skirt complete with sparkles and white fur trim). Final piece of preparation: sitting on the top stair, I lit 12 candles in the donuts, trying not to burn down the place or light my daughter on fire. As we walked in singing “Happy Birthday,” Jenna had a good surprised look on her face. Ah, maybe she was just noticing that the box was on fire. Happy birthday, Jenna!
Tonight I made a good dinner for Doug as well as surprising him with a dessert he has been wanting. We also started filling in a memory book that Doug got for me for Valentine’s Day about 4 years ago. We always said we would fill it in once we got married and since the big day is over, I guess we should start.
Linda and I usually go out to supper every Friday night. Sometimes fancy, sometimes plain but usually predictable. So the other day I made the suggestion that we really go out on a limb and every other Friday go for supper somewhere that we have never gone before. Tonite was that Friday.
After listing about 3 or 4 places I settled on this one place that has changed hands alot. And I do mean alot. And when I make the call, that’s bad.
We were greated by a lady with an unfamiliar accent and our waiter was male, 60 ish, diamond earings, bracelet, and a crew cut and the place was well lit to say the least.
Actually the sandwiches were good and the people were very nice. But it does give one an uneasy feeling when the whole family is sitting there watching you. I felt we were in their dining room.
On a scale of 1-5, 5 being great I would give this place a 1.75. This probably will not be a memory that Linda and I will remember 10 years from now and I also don’t think this resturant will be around in 2007.
I had dinner tonight with my Mom and Dad at our FAVORITE Chinese restaurant in town. Dad was giving Mom his request for his birthday dinner (he turns 60 on Jan 26th)…Mom always makes his favorite dinner for his birthday, pork roast, saurkraut, and potato dumplings…all homemade.
He says he wants the dinner on Saturday, not Sunday, wants Mom to make 20 lbs of potatoes, 10 lbs of saurkraut and the BIGGEST pork roast she can find! Well, Mom and I had all to do not to burst out laughing, because Dad doesn’t know we are planning a surprise party for him on his birthday weekend! I’m sure we’ll laugh about it 10 years from now….when Dad was sure that he had his birthday plans all figured out!
I have actually completed this challenge, but to me the memories that last are the ones I don’t want to talk about on the internet. 🙂
I met up with my folks for ribs at a great little restaurant near where I grew up. We had a wonderful meal with lots of laughter! Back at home because it was my birthday I got to the movie. I chose Madagascar for us to watch. My brother even joined us – again lots of laughs! I think the combination of laughter and family will make this birthday a memorable one 🙂
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My wife and I wrote love letters to each other and then sealed them up and put them in a frame, which is now hanging above our bed. Ready to be opened in 10 years time.
Today, my best friend & I went to see a movie – Narnia. It’s a movie that I’ve wanted to see & finally it fit into the schedule. What was the best part about all of this was that they had $4 movies (if shown before 1:15 pm), and an early bird special for popcorn & pop for $4. So, I splurged & got all those things, plus a little candy! That was fun & didn’t have to spend $40 to have it either. Still cost me less than going out to eat at a nice restaurant.
Make a Memory!!! Heather,my daughter and I got away to Mineral Pt., WI and had a riot. We enjoyed the scenic trip with the rolling country hills and white blankets over the fields.We visited Styles Unlimited got our hair done and then went to a luncheon,from there we continued with shopping and viewing the Arts of the town,then checked out the Bargin Nook, and last but must be is visiting Franks Warehouse for treasures. It was wonderful just spending time together and are looking forward to the next time we visit Mineral Pt.WI (MOM/DAUGHTER/MEMORIES)
Surprised my mom at work today with a little early Mother’s Day gift!