Sticky Cup

If you haven’t already, open the package marked February 5th, 2015. Then do the challenge described below.


Just be aware of the national emergency you will cause for everyone around you.

Well, some people will not even notice. But the ones who do are likely to drive miles — I mean MILES, people — out of their way to let you know that you have Taco Bell on the top of your car. Of course, you and the people driving with you have the task of acting clueless. That’s part of the fun (and a challenge).


Share your Sticky Cup story below!


  1. Avatar Ron England says:

    Between this and dressing up like clown to purchase circus peanuts my daughter is going to have an awesome 13th birthday celebration on Friday!!

  2. Kimberly McCue Kimberly McCue says:

    YES! I’m so excited for this! I might do this on Saturday when I won’t be in white-knuckle-snowy-roads-rush-hour traffic, and can enjoy the reactions a bit more. ^_^ Can’t wait for the hilarity to ensue!

  3. Mary Eickemeyer Mary Eickemeyer says:

    For some reason, I see this more as a spring or summer-type event. Maybe because the winds are less in our area during that time and maybe it is because my car has so much dirt and salt residue on it right now that I have no confidence the cup would actually stay attached even with tape.

  4. I see where you’re coming from Mary. Of course some people here live in climates where dirt and salt is not an issue this time of year. #mustbenice ha ha ;)

  5. Avatar Dave Timmerman says:

    I did it! I did it! This morning I drove through Milton with a coffee cup taped to the roof of my car. I had a city worker actually stop my car and then he saw the smiley face on the cup and started to laugh. I also saw a woman outside a local eatery take a dramatic double take when I drove by. I was so excited doing this. Sadly on my way to Edgerton the cup blew off and was lost. By for a few minutes I beat adultitis. Thank you.

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