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Are you overwhelmed and weighed down by ALL THE THINGS?
Do you ever feel like you’re in a rut, wondering, “Isn’t there more to life than this?”
Does it seem like the curious, playful, passionate spark from a younger you has grown dim?
You’re probably suffering from Adultitis (get tested here), a silent epidemic that sucks the joy out of life. Lurking within never-ending to-do lists and the daily grind, it enslaves you in a whirlwind of busyness that robs you of the best parts of life. Adultitis wreaks havoc in organizations too, by stifling innovation, suppressing engagement, and causing stress that leads to burnout.
There is hope. We’re here to remind you of truths you’ve always known, but have somehow forgotten, and give you permission to be who you’ve always been, but somehow lost touch with. Fueled by art and storytelling, we offer speaking programs, courses, live events, and accessories for life to help you fight Adultitis. And win.
Escape Adulthood is the antidote to Adultitis and the cure for the common life. Belong to a merry band of Adultitis Fighters who are creating lives with adventure, meaning, and joy.
Book Jason to Speak
He helps organizations beat burnout and become more innovative by breaking rules that don’t exist.
Learn How
Wonder & Whimsy Society
Membership puts you on the inside of a secret society that Adultitis doesn’t want you to know about.
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2025 Calendar
Celebrate Everything in 2025 with a calendar featuring Jason’s art and 365 fun holidays!
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