jason kotecki is the artist who speaks.
really, really well.
Jason Kotecki is one of the only artists in the world who holds the CSP® (Certified Speaking Professional) designation, the profession’s highest-earned international measure of platform competence. A master of wit & whimsy, he works with teams to beat burnout and become more innovative by breaking rules that don’t exist.

authentic. thoughtful. hilarious.
“Jason is not your typical keynoter – both his message and delivery are authentic, useful, and come from a caring heart. He reminds us in a gentle, thoughtful, and hilarious way of what’s really important in life.”
– Maria Rios, Texas Council of Community Centers

engaging and fun.
“If you want an engaging, fun, and ‘awesome to work with’ speaker who will have your attendees laughing, enthralled, and telling you that you knocked it out of the park, hire Jason.”
– Danaca Jordan, International Society of Automation

everything a keynote should be.
“Jason was a rockstar, which made me look like a rockstar. He was awesome, everything a keynote should be – engaging, interesting, and thought-provoking.”
– Suzanne Jones, COO, Association of Energy Services Professionals

In times of great change, the best leaders in every industry want to help their people thrive, beat burnout, and become more innovative by effectively answering this essential question, “Now that this has happened, what does this make possible?”
Unfortunately, things like red tape, new legislation, slashed budgets – and the reality of being understaffed and overworked – bring unhealthy levels of stress, as people struggle to persevere through the overwhelm, bringing the challenges of mental health front and center in every work and home environment.
Meanwhile, your industry is driven by many ever-changing regulations that require your people to be more flexible, efficient, and creative than ever before. They are exhausted. But there are a plethora of unseen rules that DON’T actually exist, which can steer your organization into ruts, cripple innovation, and restrict your progress.
A master at exposing the rules that don’t exist that limit our success, Jason uses his extraordinary artistic gifts, combined with humor and memorable storytelling, to spark intentional thinking that leads people to become more passionate, productive, and profitable.
Jason was amazing. Period. He’s the real deal, an all-around great guy. Our group thoroughly enjoyed his wit and wisdom. Many folks pulled me aside mid-presentation as well as after to share their compliments.”
–Eric Anderson, Director, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Inspector General
Take a tour of Jason’s studio, Echo Base.
Jason’s inspiring, engaging, and uplifting programs are visual masterpieces jam-packed with relevant, practical information coated in fun. Available on stage or online, they are ideal for organizations looking to increase morale, engagement, and innovative thinking.
As a result of Jason’s programs, your people will be…
- Armed with tools to identify hidden limitations that are holding them back.
- Equipped to reduce stress and beat burnout.
- Re-energized to reclaim their passion for doing their best work.
- Empowered to shift their perspective to foster innovation.
Yesterday was by far the most engaged my staff has ever been in our annual employee education day. I heard so much laughing and discussion during and after his presentation that it warmed my heart. Never have we had a response like that! I can’t thank Jason enough for this wonderful experience! I doubt we’ll ever get anything that matches it again!”
–Julie Little, CMPE, Practice Administrator, Alliance Ob/Gyn
don’t settle for ordinary. you deserve an original.
Jason’s remarkable keynotes are an artistic blend of Inspiration, Entertainment, and Education.

His programs are visual masterpieces jam-packed with relevant, pragmatic ideas coated in humor and fun. Experiencing a keynote from Jason Kotecki is like walking through his art studio with him, as he tells you the story behind each piece. But instead of boring you with details about the work, he expertly tells the inspiring and captivating stories behind it, stories that captivate and inspire, with lessons to learn at every turn. These lessons bring deeper understanding, clarity, and practical insight.
More than just an extraordinary visual artist, Jason is a master communicator. With two decades of experience telling stories and sparking intentional thinking, he empowers people to become more engaged and resilient in times of continuous change.

Jason takes the audience on a journey of the heart. It’s a delightful roller coaster of emotions that include loop-de-loops of laughter and big emotional drops that sometimes lead to tears, but always end up pulling into the station filled with hope and a desire to take action. When he gives you your heart back at the end of his presentation, it has a red bow on top of it! You feel encouraged in your journey, hopeful about the possibilities ahead, and empowered to grow beyond your present circumstances.
Jason excels at presenting ideas and action items that are easy to understand and hard to forget.
why book Jason?

⭐️ real-world application.

Although fun is at the heart of Jason’s work, the business of stress and mental health is serious work, and not to be thought of as fluff. Jason is not the woo-woo, touchy-feely, pie-in-the-sky stereotypical artist that comes to mind for many people. A master of wit and whimsy, he’s extremely pragmatic and shares practical tools and skills your people can use to see what’s possible beyond their current circumstances. Jason shares the stories and lessons behind his inspiring artwork, giving your people a meaningful roadmap to positive change.
⭐️ redefining the visual experience.

Jason is an original. He utilizes his talents as a visual artist as a key differentiator from other speakers. His artwork serves as an integral visual metaphor that anchors his message in the minds of the audience to deliver results that are memorable and meaningful. And, when you hire Jason to speak you receive complimentary licensing of his artwork to be used in conjunction with your event. Print and online promotion has never been so easy and fun, giving your attendees the opportunity to experience his powerful artwork in advance of the presentation. Be inspired by what others have done by shuffling through the examples below and read this example case study to get ideas of how to tie in Jason’s artwork to your theme, providing a wonderful opportunity for connectivity to your messaging and imprinting far beyond your event date.

⭐️ an artist who speaks. really, really well.
Jason is recognized by the National Speakers Association as a Certified Speaking Professional® (CSP). Only the top 10% of speakers in the world have this designation, which is the profession’s highest-earned international measure of platform competence. CSPs are held to the highest ethical standards and bring a proven track record of expertise and excellence. Jason is one of the only visual artists in the entire world with this certification.
⭐️ a metaphor that unites.

Jason gifts audience members with a new language, and words to define the challenges they face. Labeling them anew helps to give a new understanding and strategy for how to overcome them. For example, Jason presents Adultitis as a debilitating condition that eats your productivity, teamwork, and morale alive. In doing so, he gives your people a common enemy to rally against, uniting them in the task of working together to achieve breakthrough levels of success. You will notice a refreshing energy shift, moving away from pointing fingers at one another to collectively addressing Adultitis and the realities of its effects, inviting a collective resiliency that brings big results.
⭐️ live drawing lessons.

Jason incorporates live drawing into his program, inviting a unique level of interactivity as he takes audience members through a step-by-step drawing lesson – mixing the sincerity of Bob Ross with a twist of Willy Wonka whimsy. Audience members walk away with their very own masterpieces, serving as a visual metaphor and reminder of the transformation that is possible when applying these new principles in a creative way.
⭐️ wisdom from an unlikely source.
Jason and his wife Kim founded Escape Adulthood in 2000. One of the founding initiatives was (and continues to be) to reveal often-overlooked wisdom from children that can provide a powerful advantage for adults. (And we’re not talking about working from bean bag chairs or playing foosball at lunch.) Indeed, it turns out there’s a lot we can learn from children to help our organizations become more innovative, productive, and profitable.
⭐️ a fresh perspective.

As an outsider who isn’t burdened by the way things have always been done in your industry, Jason offers a fresh perspective that reveals untapped opportunities. His programs are refreshingly free from stale lingo and boring buzzwords.
⭐️ connecting generations.
A heartfelt storyteller, Jason has the remarkable ability to use humor and emotion to open people’s hearts and minds, engaging all ages simultaneously. He includes a variety of pop-culture references that entertain and connect with different generations, bridging them together through laughter and relatability.
⭐️ tailored just for you.
Whether it’s on stage or online, Jason never delivers the same program twice. We utilize a detailed pre-program questionnaire, a simple yet effective three-question survey of your attendees, and a thorough phone conference to explore your specific objectives. These proactive methods of communication, mixed with Jason’s highly intuitive style, help maximize customization on many levels.
Jason was amazing! Everyone really enjoyed his presentation and we received great feedback. I want to send a huge THANK YOU over to you both. You were so lovely to work with and really made the process from start to finish so easy from my perspective.”
–Cristina Prince, Marketing Manager, Streamline Healthcare Solutions

art vault package
Your secret weapon when you book Jason is automatic access to the Art Vault Package. An opportunity that more than doubles the value of your investment, you can use one or many of Jason’s paintings to breathe life into your theme and create a cohesive and sticky message for your event. With hundreds of his pieces of art at your disposal, for use in a variety of print and digital applications, such as:
- Pre-event marketing materials: promotional emails, postcards, website, Facebook page, etc.
- Centerpieces, table settings, and favors.
- Conference branding: Event signage, staging elements, programs, name badges, PowerPoint slides, etc.
- Post-event follow-up: recap emails, and surveys.
In addition, we offer other add-on options to further extend the full-circle experience. Check out some highlights below and click here to learn more here about this unique opportunity!
Jason was wonderful! I was very impressed on how easily he added in things specific to our members. It’s actually rare for speakers to do that. We try to get them to but more often than not they still give their set speech with maybe just a line or two at the beginning specific to the audience. Jason really made it sound like the entire speech was written just for them, we couldn’t have asked for more.”
–Patricia Dischler, National President of NAFCC
frequently asked questions
How do I know if Jason is right for our event?

For nearly 20 years and with over 1,000 organizations, Jason has offered real-world strategies and practical ideas to help individuals and organizations foster innovation, stress less, and have more fun, while effectively navigating change.
The author of six books, a TEDx speaker, and a proud Certified Speaking Professional, Jason’s artwork, books, and other Adultitis-fighting tools have accrued sales that have generated over $100,000 in donations to children’s charities since 2002.
Jason and his wife Kim are proud leaders of a growing army of Adultitis Fighters, host a live show called Escape Adulthood LIVE, have held nine sold-out Escape Adulthood Summits and three Wondernite galas, and are co-founders of the Wonder & Whimsy Society, a paid membership for people to receive inspiration, encouragement, and accountability to create a life filled with adventure, meaning, and joy.
Time and time again, people rank Jason as one of the best speakers they’ve ever heard, and tell us afterward they wish friends and family members had been there to hear his powerful message.
Most importantly though, Jason’s biggest qualification for consideration is the efforts he and his wife Kim make to live the values they teach. As partners, parents, and business owners, they’ve been steadfastly fighting Adultitis in their own life, as they use everything they’ve learned in their attempt to create a masterpiece out of their life to help others do the same with theirs.
Jason is the same person on stage (or on camera) as he is off-stage (or off-camera): authentic, honest, witty, and heartfelt. He’s a big dreamer, which has fueled an innovative business model, travel adventures with his family, and living in a beautiful home on Lake Michigan.
But don’t take our word for it; read our list of Testimonials from Happy Clients or watch the video below to hear what people think about Jason’s programs.
Check out the Press Room to watch TV appearances and read articles about Kim & Jason.

How can I use Jason?
Jason is a perfect fit for a number of situations. Here are a few ideas:
- A high-energy, engaging, and invigorating start to a full day of programming.
- The much-needed break for fun, levity, and perspective amidst a day of intense content.
- An upbeat and heartfelt after-dinner program that helps people feel refreshed and inspired.
- The perfect way to end on a high note, leaving attendees affirmed, encouraged, and equipped for the challenges ahead.
When you hire Jason the speaker you also get access to Jason the artist and that opens up a whole new world of possibilities. We love teaming up with creative, smart organizations and meeting planners who are eager to create a truly memorable multi-dimensional experience for their people! Here’s an example of what we did with one client:
Do you offer any virtual services?
Yes! We offer a number of unique virtual options, from full-featured live events that engage your people to pre-recorded customized videos to plug into your meetings. Learn more here.
How does Jason use his art throughout his presentation?
Jason’s visuals will serve as the long-awaited breath of fresh air your audience is craving from their keynote experience. As a visual artist, Jason uses the metaphor of being an artist throughout his presentations to share his stories and inspiring message, helping audiences to see their lives and work with new eyes.
Audiences soon learn that there is a story behind every piece of art Jason creates. Jason’s colorful artwork serves as the starting point for many of the experiences, observations, and connections Jason will share with the audience, serving as a unique offering that provides memorability and meaning for attendees of all ages. His artwork contains messages that move people and stir their souls.
We live in a culture where 90% of information that enters the brain is visual. Studies show that audiences retain only 10-20% of written or spoken information but almost 65% of visual information. Jason anchors his message with his distinctive artwork in order to deliver results that last beyond your event date.
What is the length of Jason’s presentations?
Jason’s typical keynote is 60-90 minutes. If you need him to shorten his program to fit in your timeframe, he can offer 45 minutes per your request. His virtual programs are typically 60 minutes.
What programs does Jason offer?
Jason has a variety of keynote options that are fine-tuned to the specific needs and challenges of the audience, along with an assortment of workshop options.
What are his A/V needs?
Jason will provide:
- His Apple MacBook Pro running Keynote software and the adaptor for the Mac to your projector (both a VGA and HDMI dongle adapter).
- Wireless Remote. Jason will advance his own slides.
You will provide:
- LCD projection system (with backup bulb).
- Screen(s) large enough for all to see (preferably off-center so that Jason will not be standing in front of the screen).
- Microphone: 1st choice is lapel wireless. 2nd choice is a wireless handheld. (Jason prefers to avoid headsets.)
- House sound (connecting Jason’s laptop to the speaker system in the room, 3.5mm or 1/8” plug for audio to run out of the laptop).
- In audiences of 200+, Jason recommends additional lighting on the stage.
- Table for computer and projector. Jason doesn’t use a podium or lectern. He requests that the table is located 10 feet in front of the stage, where he can place his laptop and connect to the projector.
What is the process for booking Jason?
Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Just fill out this form. Soon you will hear from his wife Kim. She’ll inform you of Jason’s availability and you will connect on the details to determine if his offerings will be a good fit for your audience and objectives. If you prefer to call or text her directly, please feel free: 608-843-9880.

If you aren’t satisfied with the status quo and suspect Adultitis may be lurking in your organization, Jason will help you annihilate it. Book Jason for your next event. Let your audience know you mean it when you tell them your next meeting is going to be something special.
contact us

Kim, aka Little Miss Details, is Jason’s wife, partner in crime, and the rock star who will work with you on all the details like dates, budget, and what Jason needs to deliver a program that makes you a hero.
Life balance is a top priority for Kim and Jason. With a young family, Jason only accepts a certain number of invitations to speak each month. That being said, his schedule books up fast, so use the form below to drop Kim a line to learn more about bringing him to speak to your organization. Ask us about our special “Bedtime Story Discount” applied to events that allow him to be back home in time to tuck his kids into bed.
You can also reach her at 608.843.9880 and connect with her on LinkedIn.