The gauntlet had been thrown down. What choice did I have? We were on a road trip...somewhere. The details don't matter, but I'm pretty sure we were rolling up to Dairy Queen for some Blizzards. Someone in my family, probably my wife, challenged me to request extra "nipkins" at the drive-thru window. Not napkins, NIPkins. And with that, my honor was on the line. I could not allow myself to be shamed in front of my own children by failing to accept this summons. On that day, I am proud to say, I rose to the challenge, growing three feet taller in the eyes of my wife and children …
48 Things I’ve Learned in 48 Years
Well, today is the day. The cultural event where millions of people are unified in celebration of what many have called the biggest secular holiday in the United States, and possibly the world.
Of course, I'm referring to my birthday. I'm not sure how I'll mark the occasion, but perhaps there will be something interesting to watch on TV? #SuperbOwl
It's true; as of today, I am 48 years old. Is that old? It feels kinda old, but still a few years shy of fifty, so that's something. I do relate to Margaret Atwood who believed, "Everyone else my age is an adult, whereas …
Why You Need Water Balloons & a Wingman
Life is amazing. It is also hard. The war against Adultitis is a grueling one that will last your lifetime. But that shouldn't keep you from trying to soak it with water balloons. Your happiness depends on it. Now, you'll need two things in the fight against Adultitis: water balloons and a wingman. A Water Balloon is anything joyful that induces playfulness, laughter, merriment, or wonder. The most powerful ones appear frivolous, done for no particular reason other than fun. My late father-in-law Gary had a long fight with chronic pain. His faith …
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Is This Really The Most Wonderful Time of Year?
“Are you making deviled eggs?" he asked the day before Thanksgiving.“I wasn’t planning on it, but I could. Want me to?" I offered.“Well, sure if you have time,” he said graciously.I did. And he appreciated them.And Ben and I ended up having so much fun, as I taught him how to make this family favorite for my Dad.I'm grateful for these memories from last year at this time. This was the beginning of a journal Kim wrote on Thanksgiving, reflecting on how last year was the last time she'd "get to" make her dad deviled eggs. He passed away in January. The "firsts" in our lives get a lot of …
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How to Fix the Whole World
The current state of the world is...not great. So many of our problems are global, governmental, and systemic, stemming from conflicts spanning thousands of years. Perhaps, like me, you wonder, "What the heck can one person do?" When I am overwhelmed by an avalanche of things I can’t control, I find it helpful to focus on what I can. And then I came across this quote from St. Teresa of Calcutta: "If you want to bring happiness to the whole world, go home and love your family." Ah, good ol' Mother Teresa. What a pleasant thought from a sweet old lady beloved the world over. …
Everyone Needs an Angel in Their Corner
We offered my daughter a chance to make a million dollars and she turned it down. OK, "millions" might be stretching it, but adjusted for the economy of childhood, one could make a strong case. Here's the story: Virginia Rose drew a picture of an angel for her grandfather during his last days. He displayed it prominently in the hospital and at the hospice center, and it seemed to deeply move everyone who saw it. It became a source of great joy and comfort for him, and he requested that it be placed in his casket at the time of his burial. A copy made its way to a wall in our kitchen, …
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How to Help Someone Who Is Grieving
My young traveling companion poked me on the elbow with a request I didn't see coming. From the moment Kim and I made the decision to move ahead with taking Ginny on her first Daddy Daughter trip despite the storm that had wrought havoc on our home, my mind was in overdrive. From forcing it to focus on what needed to land in my suitcase, to finding a gas station that had power so we could refuel, to asking the gate agent if he could make sure our seats were together, my brain was busy anticipating and solving every challenge that presented itself on our journey to …
Life Keeps Going
I woke up. The face of my bedside clock was expressionless. Still no power. It felt like time was standing still, but I knew otherwise. A quick check of my phone, whose battery was holding on for dear life, confirmed that I'd been asleep for exactly one hour. I was awake, but unfortunately, the nightmare persisted. It was 1:30 am, but no more sleep would be had by me that night. Eerie lightning flashes periodically silhouetted the stripped and broken trees rising from the backyard like a witch's bony fingers. It's an image I'll never forget. I had to leave for the airport …
Beautiful Questions from Ugly Cookies
QUESTION: Is it possible to create a working Volkswagon Beetle out of rice cereal treats and fondant? I don't think so, but I wouldn't be surprised to fire up Netflix one day and see it happen. I am awed by the mind-bending confections people create on those baking competition shows. It's entertaining television. But watching them make their beautiful creations don't teach us as much as the ugly stuff we create ourselves.A few years ago, I led an unusual workshop. Instead of whiteboards, charts, and slides, we rolled out frosting, sprinkles, and sugar cookies. There was only one …
Don’t Let Your Kids Grow Up to Be Dillholes
I know a guy who claims that his family is the most important thing in his life. He also brags about spending 300 days a year on the road as a speaker.I don’t know how many hours one needs to spend with one’s loved ones to register as "enough," but by my calculations, the math here doesn’t add up.Why is the person who works 60-hour weeks, spends 200 days on the road, and sits on three charitable boards applauded when they say that family is the most important thing, but another person who quits the rat race to stay home and spend more time with their family is seen as an underachiever not …
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