Many of you may know from my last post, featuring our second Escape Adulthood Podcast, that Jason and I shared our ‘8 Adultitis Curing Movies.’ Last night Jason and I were flipping channels and got sucked into the movie ‘I Am Sam.’ I love this movie! This did not make our original list, but it sure fits the category. Besides enjoying some unbelievable acting by Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Dakota Fanning, the strong messages throughout this movie really make me think. For those of you who do not know the premise, it is a story about Sam, a mentally-challenged man, who struggles to raise his seven-year-old daughter, Lucy, as her intelligence starts to surpass his. A legal battle ensues as the courts try to put Lucy in a foster home. Sam’s childlike heart is so inspiring. He actually lives the ‘8 Secrets’ Jason shares in his book…and there are some very fun scenes showing this. On the other side of things, his lawyer (Michelle Pfeiffer) has Full-blown Adultitis. She seems beyond help, but after months of being around Sam, her hard and jaded exterior melts away. Sam reminds me that a childlike heart not only gives you a life that you love, it also helps other people. It helps to light the way for those who are stuck in the darkness of their own fears and anxieties. The love that consumes a childlike heart must be shared with others. As Sam and Lucy show, love is all you need.