When I tried to explain this whole ‘manifesto’ thing to folks a few months ago (as we were encouraging others to take a few minute to vote for Jason’s proposal online at ChangeThis.com) I felt myself stumbling over my words. The best way I could describe it went something like this:
“Everyone has something they are very passionate about – something that ‘makes them tick.’ Sometimes it is a concept that needs to be shared- that is a manifesto!”
Webster says a manifesto is: “A public declaration of intentions or principles.” As many of you may already know, Jason was asked to officially ‘write’ his manifesto and to publish it on ChangeThis.com. It is a summary of his recently published book. So, without further ado…I give you The Escape Adulthood Manifesto! You can read it, email it to a friend, and even print out a copy to have on-hand. May it manifest for you insights about the importance of escaping this “phase” called Adulthood.