For years, Jason has been teasing me about my wardrobe around the house. I am the Mismatch Queen. “Homeless” is how he puts it, and I laugh — we both do. I DO HAVE matching comfy clothes. My mother-in-law faithfully supplies her three daughter-in-laws with cute new pj’s every Christmas Eve. (Thanks, Linda!)
And yet, when I enter my closet to “get cozy” (as Lucy puts it), I walk away looking like I am colorblind.
Why? I’m not sure.
But, I’ve come to the conclusion recently that “why” is the wrong question.
Why not?
I’m sure my selections would make any modern day fashionista gasp, and they’d probably yell the word “frump” from the rooftops. (Look for me on “What Not To Wear.” Ha! As you can imagine, I despise that show.)
Here’s the dirty little secret: I’m over it.
I think it’s fun. It’s childlike. It’s a little whimsical. And if there’s one thing that makes me happy… it’s a little (or a lot of whimsy).
I place a high value on freedom. It’s an undercurrent in my goals to live intentionally. Being playful with my wardrobe is “freedom” I can wear. It’s a little tiny corner of my life that I can easily break a WHOLE bunch of rules without hurting anyone else. It’s a daily Small Rebellion.
Now that our four-year-old Lucy is picking out her own outfits, I can see quite clearly that her and I have A LOT in common. This makes me VERY happy.
What corner of your life needs a little harmless rule breaking?
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