By Jason Kotecki
Adultitis is a disease still relatively unknown in the medical community. But make no mistake: it’s an epidemic that is coming hard after you every single day. In case you’ve never heard of it, Adultitis depletes your childlike spirit, causes loads of stress, and robs you of your zest for life. Left unchecked, it will eat your productivity, teamwork, and morale alive. To put it mildly, a person with a full-blown case is not a pretty picture. (You can check your level of Adultitis here: )
Periods of massive change are an ideal breeding ground for Adultitis. And the Affordable Care Act is a prime example of this type of change. Confusion, frustration, and emotions are high, and Adultitis is flashing its toothy grin.
Surrender need not be an option, however.
Let’s be frank. The issues that currently face us are as complicated as they are serious. But taking our jobs seriously does not mean that we have to regard ourselves in the same way. Give yourself permission to have some fun when you can. Keeping a sense of humor will serve as a stress-release valve when things get hairy, builds camaraderie among your colleagues, and keeps your mind open to new ideas and better ways of doing things.
Red tape, new regulatory requirements, never-ending piles of paperwork, and the constant demand to do more with less can distract you from an important truth: You’re in this field to help people. Never forget that. There are many things you can’t control, to be sure. Adultitis would prefer that you spend most of your time fretting about the things outside your control, because that distracts you from maximizing the things that you can.
Indeed, the best way to make a difference in the lives of the people you work with and care for has nothing to do with medicine or legislation or policy. It all hinges on you choosing to be a light in the darkness. Your smile, your attitude, your sense of humor, your compassion, your patience, and your willingness to do your best are the real difference makers, especially while navigating a sea of massive change.
Let the best of you shine through, and not only will you and your mental health be better off, but Adultitis will have no choice but to melt away.
Jason Kotecki is an artist, author, and professional speaker. Jason and his wife Kim (a former kindergarten teacher) make it their mission in life to fight Adultitis and help people use strategies from childhood to create lives with less stress and more fun. Stop by for more fun tips and ideas!
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