The pandemic upended everything and left a lot of us wondering, “What now? What’s next?”
Meanwhile, we’re exhausted from playing the compare game, with social media showing us the highlight reels of everyone else who has it all figured out. The more we scroll, the worse we feel.

Comparison may be the thief of joy, but it sure is hard to ignore people who have bigger paychecks, better health, more talent, less debt, longer vacations, larger homes, thinner waists, or nicer mothers-in-law than us. It’s not easy to be thankful when the lucky breaks always seem to land in someone else’s lap.
In Must Be Nice, artist, author, and professional speaker Jason Kotecki offers a fresh and funny take on gratitude. With his whimsical art and inspiring words, he’ll make you laugh, make you think, and help you perform jujitsu on jealousy in order to look at thankfulness in a whole new way.
Not only that, Must Be Nice is a pep talk, reminding you about all the ways you rock while giving you a road map for leveraging the talents you may have overlooked.
If you are . . .
- tired of playing the compare game so prevalent on social media . . .
- a recent graduate uncertain about finding your place in the “real world” . . .
- experiencing midlife dissatisfaction with the direction you’re heading in . . .
- or on the verge of retirement and wondering what’s next . . .
. . . this book is for you, helping you thrive as you figure out why you’re here and what to do next.