I’ve heard that it takes many, many years to become an overnight sensation. One of the things that Kim and I have discussed, and that we’ve braced ourselves for, is when we make it (whatever that means), and someone says how lucky we are. How lucky to be given such a great talent. How lucky to have come up with such a great idea. How lucky to have a great successful business. Hogwash. Don’t get me wrong, I am blessed to have been given an artistic talent, and without all the people God has placed in my life, I would be probably working at Staples or something. But everyone has their own gifts; something they’re good at. Deciding to try and make something of them is work. Hard work. There are times when Kim and I wonder if we’ve gone off the deep end. Why struggle so hard to make ends meet when all we really have to do is get regular jobs with real salaries? Like most everyone else, we want a nice house, and kids, and a two week vacation to someplace not Wisconsin. There are days when it seems like the progress we’ve made is just a mirage, and we’re actually taking steps backwards. And it stinks when you feel like all the effort you’re putting in is yielding a return that would make Wall Street veterans weep. Fortunately, we have each other, and a good support system of friends and family who believe in us and encourage us when everything we do seems to make about as much difference as an aspirin to a dead guy. I’ve come to realize that it’s much easier to make excuses and never try. Living your dream is hard. But as I’ve said before, it brings with it a sense of peace and fulfillment so pure that it can’t be matched, and it can’t be bought. We continue on, knowing that our efforts will not be in vain, and no matter what the outcome is, we know that we will have no regrets. And although we are bracing for the reactions we may get from a few ignorant people, we look forward to the day when all the hard work pays off and we become that “overnight sensation.”
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