Well, KimandJason.com just became a much better web site. I wish I could take the credit for it. We just launched a new feature to the Chalkboard, one of the most popular areas on the whole site. It’s called Allan’s Alley, and it is the first Chalkboard Column, featuring reminiscings from Allan Dash, a 65-year-old Philadelphian who claims that he is still trying to figure out what to be when he grows up. Allan started posting to the Chalkboard several months ago. I really liked his writing style and unique perspective. Being a fairly young whippersnapper in my twenties (not for long…yikes!) I appreciated hearing Allan’s reflections on the days before TV. Not too long ago, he e-mailed me with the idea of writing a periodic column on various topics from his childhood. It took me about one point two nanoseconds to make a decision on that one. I just added his first article today, and am totally excited about the depth and richness the column will add to the whole Kim & Jason experience. My ultimate master plan (no, not ruling the world – too much stress) is to someday make Kim & Jason synonymous with the word “Childhood” in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. Like if someone were to say “adhesive bandages”, you’d automatically think…exactly. I know, it’s a lofty goal. But I think Allan’s column makes this “universe known as childhood” just a little bit more expansive.
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