What are you passionate about? What do you absolutely, unequivocally LOVE to do? The one thing that makes time fly by like a caffienated roadrunner?
Now for the Ed Sullivan “really big” question: How much time do you spend doing it?
If stress has its death grip on you and you REALLY want to Escape Adulthood (and if you don’t, why are you here?) you need to spend more time on the things you are passionate about.
One of my favoritest bloggers and fellow artist, the French Toast Girl, recently shared in a recent post (January 24, 2006) how painting helps her get through the ups and downs of life. When you’re sick, tired, frustrated, bored, or feeling down and out, your passion has the almost medicinal power to lift your spirit and make your soul sing. It recharges your batteries and makes it easier to tackle the challenges of life.
Maybe you like to paint. Or garden. Or tinker with that old Ford. Or collect stamps like Mr. Newland, my 7th grade history teacher. Whatever it is, do it. That gift is a built-in stress release valve. It also gets you more in tune with God (the one who planted that very passion within you) and gives you a clear head to deal with the craziness that is life.