I enjoy writing for each of the characters in my comic strip, but one of the main things I like about Kim is that she seems to best embody the ability of kids to boil down complex concepts into simple, tidy, and logical (at least for them) explanations.
This attribute shines forth in vivid detail via interviews conducted by Dave Price of The Early Show on CBS. Dave talked to elementary children for some insight on the working world. Here’s my favorite:
Dave: Shawn, what does your mom do?
Shawn: She works at the post office and sorts mail.
Dave: What’s the funnest thing about her job?
Shawn: I think sorting mail and putting it into the machine.
Dave: And what’s probably the most boring thing she does, the worst part of the job?
Shawn: Knowing that her clothes may get caught into the machine and she might get flattened out into sand paper.
Even though the answers are simplistic — not to mention funny — their honesty shines a light on some profound insights that proves once again that children have a wisdom that often goes unheeded:
Dave: Have you learned anything about working from your mom and dad, what have you learned?
Emily: That I’m going to choose my job wisely.
Dave: Why is that?
Emily: Because I don’t want to end up in a bad job that I don’t like.
I don’t know for certain that kids have all the answers, but I’m convinced they have more than the average grown-up.