It was brought to my attention recently that I do not have a hobby. Not a “real” hobby. I have never really noticed, to tell you the truth. I like to walk, take baths, listen to music, take naps, and sometimes I like to read. These are things I like to do, but they do not really fit as hobbies. After a little research and reflection on what hobbies really are, I would have to agree that I really do not have one. So, I went in search for something that I could do to relax that I would be passionate about. This was a harder task than I thought it would be. Of course I had some outside factors to balance – space restrictions, the amount of time I can devote to it, and budget. In my search I read somethings about the importance of hobbies to our health and overall well-being. I thought this article summarized it best.Counselor and consultant, Bill Malone, shared,
Hobbies can provide many hours of relief from stress. A hobby can boost creativity, self esteem, passion, pleasure and accomplishments. Besides the reduction of stress and worry, hobbies can aid in the battle of depression.
I really do think a hobby could help provide me with “down-time,” to destress and focus my mind on other things. The article brought up some interesting points relating to hobbies and the prevention of Alzheimer’s or dementia. It tied in the importance of hobbies in childhood also.
Individuals who are involved with their hobby are happier people. In support of this statement, Susan M. McHale, PhD of Penn State University conducted a government study that showed, “Structured activities such as hobbies and sports are the most development- enhancing ways for children to spend their time” (McHale, 2001). If this is true for children, doesn’t it make sense that hobbies can help adults too.
How often do we, as adults, advocate for healthy living for children, and yet neglect to follow-though with our own habits and rituals, myself included. This statement really showed me how important it is that I find something and put my heart into it.
So, I am unveiling my new hobby…drum roll, please!
I am going to learn to crochet. I think this will be a good hobby that I can really get excited about. I can listen to music while I crochet. I can do it anywhere – on planes, on my couch, heck, maybe even in the bathtub if I balance it right. (We’ll see.) I love warm blankets for my naps, so this will be perfect! I did a little online research today and then headed out to the store to get my hooks and yarn and a beginner’s book. I’ll keep you posted and hopefully eventually even post a picture of my first creation. I’d love to make a blanket, but I might start with a coaster. I’m excited about the gift giving side of this hobby, the creativity involved, and the fact that it is goal-oriented.
Jason joked that someday when we are old and everything he wears is made by me, he’ll look back on this day and say, “I was there when this all started! Why didn’t I stop her!”
Good luck with the hobby! My mother-in-law learned to crochet and knit long after her kids were grown, and ended up making an afghan for each of the 12 grandchildren (took her several years) which she presented to each of them on one spectacular Christmas Eve. Very cool! You have a big jump-start on her, starting at your age. You should have the blanket for yourself finished in no time so you can get started on that wardrobe for Jason ;)
And one more thing! A shameless plug for the Guideposts Knit for Kids project.
Don’t be put off by the picture of the advanced sweater; the original pattern is super simple.
Why Kim,
You have a hobby it’s called “Jason” Lol I hope you have many years together.
I guess comically you can say “You’ve got Male”
Many people equate hobbies or even prosperity to physical things; this is really not the case. You mentioned walking, walking is a great hobby. In all the travels you and Jason have done, you might have walked down certain streets or by certain landmarks. As you walked you have collected memories of places as like my father and mother used to collect souvenirs of places we have gone. Those souvenirs are long lost but the memoir of the walks and hikes I have been will remain with me and in the stories I tell will last longer than long.
Hobbies like these are irreplaceable to me and in a society I will soon be in Philippines these souvenirs I will share with our street children to instill in them the great hobby of walking.
Be Blessed,
Rabbi Dale
DCW Street Children’ Mission
CROCHET!! GREAT HOBBY! I did this when I was 17 years old and just picked it up again after 35 years…start with something small…a baby blanket so you get results fast so not to become discouraged. Scarfs are also fun to make!!! Good luck! It’s so much fun to check out the websites for free patterns..try
I love to crochet…I picked it up about 2 years ago and have yet to put it down, haha. Be careful about overbuying yarn…it’s easy to go from having a house with a few skiens of yarn to having bags and baskets of yarn with a little living space around them!