Sometimes as a speaker, you just wish you could take a specific audience with you on the road everywhere you go. Last night in Rockford was one of those occasions. The crowd was energetic, attentive, involved, and they even laughed at many of my jokes. Thank you to everyone who was in attendance, especially for your welcoming attitude and kind comments afterwards. You made it extra fun.
My grandma was also in the audience — it was the first time she’s heard me speak. That was pretty cool. I’m sure she had the hardest time believing that the guy giving the presentation was the same grandson who was shy and pretty much afraid of everything as a youngster. What can I say? God is good.
Tomorrow Kim and I are to catch a sickeningly early flight to Florida. We’re going to our first National Speakers Association Convention in Orlando. We had to really pinch pennies to get there, but everyone I’ve talked to who has been to one says that it’s an invaluable experience. They’ve also said that it’s not uncommon to return to your hotel room at the end of the first day ready to cry because of the information overload. At least we’ll each have a shoulder to cry on…
With the convention taking place in Orlando, we’re hoping to resurrect some memories of our honeymoon and sneak away for a night at Disney World. (We split our honeymoon six years ago between Cocoa Beach and Disney.) It’s not like we have much of a choice, really. Kim was speaking to someone the other day about how we were considering whether or not we should go visit Mickey, and the person said, “Well I should hope you’d go, especially for people in your line of work.”
Yes, it’s um… research. Right, research.