We’re looking for some good photos of childhood. Your childhood. Your mom’s childhood. Your kids’ childhood. Anyone’s childhood will do.
Dig through your photo collection and take your best shot of winning our latest photo contest. The best photo (as decided by an esteemed panel of intergalactic judges, including Stinky) will be selected to appear for a whole month on the home page of The Kim & Jason Lemonade Stand. Besides being the envy of your friends and family, you’ll also win a $20 gift voucher to The Lemonade Stand! Cha-ching!
This month’s theme is…"Autumn." Go ahead and submit any photos that you feel fit this theme. The photos that date back a decade or several stand the best chance of winning, but we’re also looking for creativity, humor, and good ol’ nostalgia.
The deadline is October 30, 2006. Submit your photos here!
[tags]photo contest, contest, win, childhood, photography[/tags]