This is the time of year when all of the Fantasy Football widows start to roll their eyes. Already? Football talk already? (Yes, Jason’s draft is next week.)
As much as I tease Jason about his love for football, there are lessons to be learned by the sport that creates the perfect background noise for the best Sunday afternoon naps in the world.
You know those tackling drills the players do in practice?
This is my new strategy for fear. It’s going down! I’m so sick of it. It’s such a time and energy stealer. As I mentioned last week, fear (F.E.A.R.) is False Evidence Appearing Real.
Fear is in direct opposition to faith. The message of “Do not fear, be not afraid, fear not,” etc. appears in the Bible 366 times. One for each day of the year, and even one for leap year. Fear distracts up and preoccupies our minds with the worst-case scenerio, instead of hoping for the best. It keeps our glasses half empty. It keeps us living small.
I’m ready for a full glass, aren’t you? I’m ready to live BIG.
But how?
We’ve heard it a hundred times, but this strategy really works. The next time you are experiencing fear (or even frustration), ask yourself these three questions.
1. What’s the worst case scenario?
2. What’s the best case scenario?
3. What’s most likely to happen?
This is the first step towards tackling your fear… identifying it and revealing its weaknesses and lies. After you spell out the reality of your situation, often fear is left powerless. This is a great strategy, but let’s face it, it’s reactive.
To have a successful tackle you must be proactive, not reactive. Tackle or you will be tackled.
How do you be proactive in tackling your fear?
You have to be proactive with faith.
Make time for your faith. (Notice I said “make” not “take.” In reality, there is no time to “take.” Your days are full. You have to actually say no to something else in order to make this time happen.) Pray. Meditate. Read and study scripture. Make the time.
Just like you can’t expect to loose weight without a little sweat…everything good takes a little work. This is also true with our faith.
So, get that helmet on. Football season is just around the corner.
Are you ready to do some tackling?
[tags]fantasy football, fear, faith, Bible, prayer, overcoming fear[/tags]
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