Sure, we all know emotional eating is bad. But there is something to be said about the childlike giddiness that naturally comes when your favorite dessert is in your midst. (Is it just me?) Adultitis melts away for a few delicious moments of sugary happiness.
Delighting in a treat is very childlike!
When’s the last time you sat with a stack of Oreos and a glass of milk? Or how about picking out a treat for yourself from the local bakery?
When I was little my sisters (aka the K-Mart Sisters) had organ lessons every Thursday afternoon. Since I was too young to join, my mom and I would kill time by going to the bakery (I can still smell the fresh baked yumminess today!) and then to the park. Because I was four, the gingerbread men cookies were always my first choice. It’s physically impossible for a four-year-old to resist picking a cookie shaped like a man. He had raisins for eyes, for goodness sakes! This special routine was something I relished. Just “me and mom” time, a tasty treat, then off to the park for some swinging and slides.
Does life get any better?
Food (and dare I say “sweets”) has a way of connecting people.
Ever move to a new neighborhood and receive a plate of cookies from the folks next door?
Whether you’re eight or eighty-eight, it’s still thrilling to gather around a cake with your friends and family as you celebrate another year of life.
There’s something very humbling and heartwarming about the thoughtful warm coffee cake from an acquaintance, after hearing that your loved one passed away.
Surprising people with sweets is an instant ice breaker. Whenever you can strike the “childlike giddiness nerve,” (a technical term, of course) you will have a friend for life… or at least until you show up with more sweets in hand.
If you haven’t already, I can’t wait for you to read the fun article in the third issue of the Kim & Jason magazine entitled, “Why Cupcakes Take the Cake,” by cupcake connoisseur, Rachel Kramer Bussel (author of the scrumptious cupcake blog with the same name).
Check it out online. Of course, if you’re a member of Club K&J you should be receiving your magazine in the mail any second.
(Legal Disclaimer: The folks at Kim & Jason do not advocate that you eat yourself to happiness. You will end up obese. Do not sue us if this happens. “Everything in moderation.”)
This is so true. At my job the fun thing we do is celebrate everyone’s birthday by signing a card that goes around in a “secret” manilla folder and someone makes cake, pie, or cookies, or buys ice cream. These birthdays seem to come in spurts, and this week I’ve signed 4 birthday cards, eaten 2 pieces of chocolate cake with pb frosting, 4 raspberry shortbread cookies, 1 piece of peanut butter pie, and from the looks of things Monday will see more goodies. Everyone around here is a giddy as can be! (It could be a sugar high too I guess!) It sure breaks up the between-issue (monthly periodical) January/February monotony!
My family has always been the type to EAT! It’s just what we do…Anytime we all get together, there MUST be lots of good food! Including MANY yummy desserts! I totally agree that food can bring people together…My family is proof!
I love the cupcake. Would have been a good thing to make during my snow day today – YEAH! Isn’t it sad,though, that we live in the kind of society today where you have to put a “legal disclaimer” with information that used to be called “common sense”? Happy weekend, everyone!
Where did you get that picture? It’s great! It makes me want to have an Ice Cream Sunday. I’ve only done it twice, but is there anything greater than getting two or three flavors of ice cream, sprinkles, nuts, chocolate sauce, whipped cream and all the toppings you can think of? Ahh, just thinking of it – I’ve got to try it again soon! YUM!
Somehow sharing sugary confections with friends and family just says “Hey, I’m a nice person, why don’t we have a little fun?” Great article!
Wait a minute… Members of Club K&J receive the magazine in the mail? I haven’t been getting it?