This week’s Escape Plan challenge (aka our Tip of the Week) is #32: Laugh Attack: Do something that will get you to laugh out-loud (one that puts you in danger of peeing your pants a little bit).
It’s not news how important laughter is. As Jason says in his speaking programs,
“Laughter is the natural stress release valve.”
Even though it’s a challenge these days with bad news everywhere, it’s actually more important than ever to be working toward those 400 laughs a day that four-year-olds are managing.
With Halloween just four days away, why not have a little fun this week, ensuring some laugh out-loud hyjinks? Learn how to make fake vomit (or even fake blood) and surprise a friend. I recently discovered a very cool site that will help you do these sorts of goofy things, It’s a very interesting site featuring short videos with all sorts of “how to’s” from funny to practical, to just plain goofy. If vomit or blood making are not your forte, you will certainly find some other sources for laughter in the form of other “how to” videos. For example, would you like to learn “How to Drop Off the Grid?” (Somedays, we all would!) Another funny one is “How to Give a Speech Without Saying Anything.” Obviously our politicians have all viewed (and taken notes) from that one!
The point of this challenge is to be proactive in finding humor in your day-to-day. Do not wait for it to find you. You may end up going days or weeks without much laughter at all… leaving you with a Full Blown Case of Adultitis.
Sidenote: Howcast has tons of other very useful videos. It’s definitely worth checking out. A few that caught my eye are: How to Start a Lemonade Stand, How to Loose Your Pregnancy Weight, How to Carve a Pumpkin, and How to Feed Your Family on a TIght Budget. They share ideas on everything- household tips, relationship advice, learning new hobbies, etc. Very cool!
Share with us in the comments of the Escape Plan Blog what you did to ignite your laugh attack this week. I know it’s been all over the Internet, but this video of quadruplets laughing at their dad will surely get you started. If you watch it and do not laugh, you might want to check your pulse.
Another great post and another great idea… I will DEFINITELY be checking into the HOW TO MAKE FAKE VOMIT link…
…As for how I get laughter… I go out and play with my dogs — they always do something silly that makes me laugh out loud no matter WHAT is going on in the world.
Did you end up making fake vomit?
Sounds like time with your dogs is time well spent! They’re Adultitis relief! Very cool!
“This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc..”