Three years ago Jason and I embarked on The Escape Plan, a 40 day challenge to annihilate the Adultitis in your life. On the first Wednesday of the year the challenge was “Instaparty: Find a reason to celebrate and do something to celebrate it.” I had a blast celebrating the first hump day, making camel pancakes, wearing a goofy homemade hat donning camel clipart, and even visiting our local camels at the Madison zoo. It was all very childlike and reminded me of my days teaching kindergarten, when celebrations were plentiful.
As you start 2009, I challenge you to incorporate childlike thinking into your daily routine. I was recently quoted in a Woman’s Day article, “Ring in the New You,” saying:
Think like a kid. When I taught kindergarten the kids would make up holidays, like the 100th day of school, and we’d have cupcakes. Do the same: Cheer because it’s a sunny day. Have a cupcake just because it’s Wednesday.
In honor of the first hump day of the year tomorrow, do something fun and maybe even downright silly. Enjoy it so much that you are inspired to add some more fun next Wednesday… and so on. This lifestyle is contagious, so be ready for followers (or like in Arrested Development, hop ons).
If you’re looking for a place to start, why not start with Challenge #1 of The Escape Plan. Make your escape, one day at a time.