We recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in Key West, Florida. With the little one in excellent hands back home, we had a chance for some good old-fashioned doin’ nothing.
While soaking up some rays and enjoying the surf, we were hit with some bits of wisdom regarding stressing less and having more fun. So we decided to create a six-part video series sharing some of the thoughts we had while we were in a Key West state of mind. In this tip, Kim explains why it’s so important to take the scenic route once in a while, and what that actually looks like in your everyday life.
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Did I tell you about the time I took the scenic route to work? It was my first time ever driving to work, and I may have kinda missed a turn and ended up in a couple of places I had never heard of before. What should have been a 15-minute drive turned into 2 hours, getting lost and unlost. (Of course, being a guy, asking for directions wasn’t an option. I suppose that goes without saying.)
I may have gotten to work 2 hours late, but once I explained the delay, everyone laughed, and I wouldn’t trade that memory for anything.
Fantastic tip!
I love the insight about Investing Time Instead of Spending It. Why treat life like a series of chores just to get through the day? Once our priorities are set, we can align our activities to them in order to make the most out of our time to have the best outcome. If playing on the floor with a child feels like a chore, then your just spending (wasting) time. If you make the most out of it then you’re investing in your relationship and you’ll get so much more out of it in return.