During a recent trip to Disney World, Jason and I noticed something very interesting. Almost every single adult we saw was wearing a fun shirt of some kind. Superhero logos, cartoon characters, witty phrases, sports paraphernalia and of course, Disney shirts (those darn gift shops get ya every time). You name it, fun shirts were everywhere. It was awesome!
It does make sense, come to think of it.
If you’re spending the day at Magic Kingdom, you might as well wear the most childlike shirt you own. It seems that every adult got this memo.
(Incidentally, about 75% of the little girls were in full princess attire. Adorable!)
It begs the question, if YOU were given permission to have “Disney” amounts of fun EVERY day, what would you wear differently?
I know — don’t even say it! We’re not “ALLOWED” to wear fun things to work.
Bull honkey.
No, no! Really. Our dress code is quite strict, you say.
Let’s redefine “childlike.” I’m not talking about wearing sweatpants and gym shoes to the office. Being childlike is not the same thing as being a slob. Nor am I talking about jeans and a t-shirt, even. It’s not dress down day… I’m talking about adding something unique to you, something playful or fun that helps you express your personality.
Our attire really does impact our attitude.
There are countless ways to have some fun with your wardrobe. The key comes down to three words: Accessories. Accessories. Accessories.
Why not try some colorful, playful, or just plain unique…
- jewelry/watch
- socks/shoes/shoe laces
- eye glass frames/sunglasses
- nail polish
- cufflinks
- hats
- hair clips
- ties
- pins
- scarves/hankerchiefs
- belt/belt buckle
- purse/wallet
As my retrofit aerobics instructor so wisely said the other night…
“Do not let yourself be boxed in by the routine. It’s suffocating and it takes all of the fun out of it.” -Joe, Retrofit Instructor
Isn’t this true in all of life?
Do not allow stupid dress codes to suffocate you into a boring expression of yourself in the name of “professionalism.”
What will you add to your attire this week to help you express your childlike playfulness more fully?
Bull honkey is right Kim. (Haven’t heard that one in a while, dagnabbit!) I like to wear one thing a day – polka dot socks, bugs bunny earrings, purple nail polish, and see if anyone notices.
Great idea! I teach at a college, but in early childhood so I bet I could get away with more as well. I’ll have to think about this and implement it. I don’t even think I HAVE anything fun to accessorize with!
Does wearing a shirt to school that says, “Silence is Golden, Duct Tape is Silver” count? Whenever I wear it, I get many, many comments – all good and mostly from teachers asking where I got it. Actually, out of the lost and found laundry at school. It pays to take care of the stinky uniforms of teenagers.
Boring white collar Fortune 500 office job…colored matching tee shirt undershirts and creative colorful socks. Not many other opportunities.
I work in a VERY conservative company, so I have to be discreet in my uniqueness. I like to mix up with a pair of turquiose skull earrings every now and again. They make me smile all day long!