Last Friday, Jason and I celebrated 11 years of being Mr. & Mrs.
In true “Escape Adulthood” fashion, we played hooky in the afternoon and enjoyed a beautiful spring day in Madison together — just the two of us. Lunch outside by the lake, a nice stroll down State Street, dreaming together by the water. Our boss didn’t even care!! :)
It’s fun to think back to our wedding day. There were so many amazing little moments that I like to savor.
I’ll never forget the little surprise we received at about 4:30pm on our wedding day. We had just gotten done with the ceremony and pictures (ouch, my face still hurts thinking about it!) and we were excitedly “hiding” with our wedding party in the back of the reception hall (aka church basement — we kept things simple and inexpensive), waiting to be announced.
You know how DJs do that, where they prearrange with you what song you want to be announced to? Well, Jason and I had set it up so that the wedding party would come in to Darth Vader’s theme song, The Imperial March, and then the two of us would come in to the Star Wars theme song. Anyone who knows anything about Jason should not be surprised. HA!
As it all unfolded, the DJ accidentally switched the order of the two songs and Jason and I ended up walking in to Darth Vader’s song.
Maybe only true Star Wars fans will appreciate this story, but the difference between the songs is significant. Darth’s song is much more sinister — it’s a villain’s theme song after all — as opposed to the Star Wars theme song which is much more hopeful and triumphant. When we got to the head table, I looked over at Jason to see if he was disappointed by the mistake. First of all, he had grin that resembled his kindergarten class picture, so I knew it was okay. He thought that the “happy accident” was even cooler the way it all turned out.
The reason I am thinking about that little mix-up 11 years later is because it’s a good illustration of how sometimes in life things turn out the way they are meant to be, even if they don’t go the way you planned it all out ahead of time.
The Imperial March has a certain tone about it that implies that there’s a fight, a battle about to ensue. As we marched through all of our friends and family and that menacing song filled the room… it ended up being symbolic in a lot of ways. Our wedding day was, indeed, the start of a HUGE battle — our crusade against Adultitis. Even though the word Adultitis had not yet surfaced to the top, we were beginning our alliance to fight the good fight together as a team… and it’s almost as if that moment was our announcement to everyone who meant something to us that we were going to do big things together.
Melodramatic? Yeah, maybe. But I think there’s something to it. Recently a good friend of ours asked Jason and I this very important question…. “In life (and in business, in our case) what’s your greatest advantage?” He knew the answer and the lightbulb sure clicked as he said it: “EACH OTHER.”
I am humbled and blessed as I look at all that Jason and I have accomplished together these last 11 years. With the unending support of our dearest family, friends, and online encouragers — we have been able to continue this fight and build momentum that continues to prove to me that this mission is MUCH bigger than either of us.
If you have a partner in crime, whether it’s a spouse, dear friend, co-worker or family member, are you taking full advantage of the power of your partnership?
Magnificent endeavors evolve when two heads are put together.
If you’re flying solo at the moment, be open to the partnerships that present themselves and be willing to be a bit adventurous along the way, to take a risk. Your villain will present itself eventually, and when it does, you will be ready to march confidently towards your crusade hand in hand — just like Jason and I did eleven years ago.
Now that’s fantastic – if I could have got away with it I would have had the Imperial March played when my wife-to-be was walking down the aisle!
I was best man at a friend’s wedding who had wanted the theme tune from Babe, but it was vetoed by his bride when he said he would greet her with “That’ll do, pig” :)
Walking down the aisle?!! Ha!
You and Jason would be two peas in a Star Wars Pod. :)
Great hearing from you!!
When I was unofficially engaged last year, my not-really-fiance and I decided that on top of our wedding cake we would have Han Solo and Princess Leia action figures. I hope that whoever I really do marry will want to do that!
Amy – that is an AWESOME idea. Will you wear the Leia hairdo? I’m guessing your Prince Charming will love the idea!!!
The day before the wedding I was surprised to learn we actually needed ushers. Luckily I was able to call a couple of friends to help out. To take advantage of our poor planning my buddies and I went to a toy store to find something for the ushers to wear. We found championship wrestling belts. To everybody in attendance (even my soon to be bride Andrea) surprise they were wearing the belts. Some people were upset but not Andrea. She knew it was me being me. By the end of it the priest was putting on the wedding belt. He said he wished he had one so my buddies left one in his closet. Now the belts are paying dividends. My brother is getting married in a year and I have been talked to twice so far by his significant others family. They are so worried. I will not do anything but I am going to have fun with it until then.
Josh – this is an AWESOME story!! Your actions of taking what could’ve been stressful and making it playful is such a great example of a small rebellion. Way to go!!! No Adultitis there – and enjoy teasing your fam about it until your brother’s wedding. HA!
CONGRATULATIONS on your news!!! Best of luck to all of you. Lucy will make a great big sister. Enjoy the next few months ahead. Things will get a little busier after the new baby arrives.
Thanks much, Pat!!!!!
Congratulations on 11 years! You guys make a great team, and exhibit a wonderful example of how marriage should work, especially as business partners as well as parents!
My son thinks any Star Wars songs for any occasion would be appropriate. For him, Star Wars is appropriate to mix and match with Civil War strategies and WWII scenarios against Hitler on the rug in the living room! It fits in nicely when monsters are attacking in the backyard or we are riding to town and spying out clones along the way. I’m going to remember this idea for his someday in the far future wedding and hope he has a bride that goes along for the ride!
Hi Libby,
What a nice message – thank you! Sometime tells me that if your son is THAT into Star Wars (reminds me of the descriptions of Jason as a kid) that he will carry that love into adulthood and that the love of his life will appreciate it too. I hadn’t even seen one Star Wars movie when Jason and I first started dating – that SOON changed. Ha!! Enjoy your creative little guy!!!!
:) Kim
The Imperial March – yep, it’s perfect for a wedding. Seriously, I LOVE that you guys can have so much fun with all those little accidents. Love the pic btw! I think my life is funny, but it can’t match up to you two. Another perfect example of adultitis busting at it’s best.