If you’re one of the 750 million Facebook users, you need to be aware that it may be infecting you with Adultitis, without your full written consent. Be sure to take these simple steps towards avoiding Adultitis on Facebook.
Another way to keep Adultitis at bay on Facebook is by liking US!
I totally agree! Cannot handle the negativity and I’m not one to “unfriend” so I do exactly what you do, I just hide their updates. I’m kind of known for my positive updates so sometimes I play on that and will chime in to a negative post with something positive (in a playful way) but, if it gets to be pervasive or too much for me to handle, I quietly hide them!
I found that the 15 minutes fb took during my day took me away from reading a book for 15 minutes or getting the laundry done so I had more time to play the next day with my kids. So I quit it.
The other reason I quit is that every time I got together with friends we didn’t have much to say because we knew what each other had done. So now when we talk I have no idea and get to hear all about what their little ones did right from their mouth.
The funny part is now that I’m not so many people say did you see so and so’s status. I say nope. Interesting how much our lives are focused around fb. I had the same experience when I decided not to have television, did you see that commercial. So much of our lives are focused around technology and so I look forward to the day someone says did you see the stars last night or the sunset? I say no and they don’t say see my picture on fb or here the picture is on my phone but describe it to me and I get to imagine it.
So to eliminate a bit of adultitis I quit fb.