I think it’s funny that even as our cars get more high tech, outfitted with GPS systems, heated seats, and hands-free calling, they still come equipped with glove compartments.
Glove compartments!
Although the glove compartment in my car is jammed with a great many things — manuals, napkins, straws, ketchup packets, pens that don’t work, and the like — gloves are not among them.
I got thinking about glove compartments when I was in Houston a few weeks ago for a speaking engagement. One of the audience members talked about a friend’s dad who always carried a few spare kites in the trunk of his car. That way, whenever they were out driving during superb kite-flying weather, they could just pull over and have some fun. And oftentimes, he would hand out kites to children.
Now I don’t know about you, but it seems like anytime I want to fly a kite, the wind is MIA, and when the wind is in the mood, I never have a kite handy. So, in my estimation, Kites + Trunk = Brilliant! Especially so when you consider how cheap, light, and space friendly they are.
One thing’s for sure: there are few activities more capable of extinguishing a day’s worth of Adultitis than flying a kite for fifteen minutes.
They may not fit in your glove compartment, but perhaps it is time to designate a spot in your vehicle as a “the kite compartment.” Or perhaps your glove compartment needs to be renamed the “bubble compartment,” the “googly eyes compartment,” or the “silly string compartment.”
Adding random whimsy to your life is easy with but a teensy bit of preparation!
Want more ideas of fun things to store in your glove compartment? Here are a few shared by folks on our Facebook page. (If you haven’t already “liked” the page, you’re missing out on some great ideas for escaping adulthood from some awesome people!)
- Word search.
- A pirate eye patch.
- Window crayons, for writing note on other people’s cars.
- A collection of antenna balls to suit the season or your mood.
- A bottle opener/cork screw. Just in case.
- Glow sticks for keeping the kids entertained at night.
- Car games and a list of lifetime Eye Spy things.
- A super ball.
- A deck of cards.
- A towel for wiping down rain-soaked swings and slides.
- An extra $20 for emergency purchases, especially at shops that are shaped like the thing it sells: like a hot dog or a donut or twisty ice cream cone.
- A bright green eject button, just in case.