For the last week I have felt this unsaid pressure to take down the Christmas tree. It’s January 15th, we “should probably” get it all put away. (Hmm, is this a “rule that doesn’t exist“?) Here’s the dealio… when the tree comes down, I’m afraid that the reality of January floods the house. It’s cold. Spring is a LONG ways away. Like, not even in sight. January has the potential to be quite BLAH without the twinkling lights on our beautiful tree.
But if I think about it even more honestly, the real reason is not the winter blues. It’s this…
I am not quite ready to file away the memories of Ben’s adorable 13-month-old fascination with our tree and his three favorite ornaments. Multiple times a day he walks (like Frankenstein) up to the tree, or strongly encourages anyone holding him to bring him closer to show you: Grover (“Gro Gro”), the rubber ducky (“Ca Ca,” his super cute attempt at quack quack), and last but certainly not least, Santa (“Ho Ho”). I’m savoring this over and over and over.
At first glance the simple solution is to keep the tree up until… May?
Seriously, it’s okay to give myself permission to keep it up longer this year than I have in the past.
But here’s the simple truth that I’m wrapping my brain around: I have savored these wonderful memories of Ben and our tree. They are forever imbedded into the section of my heart labeled, “Best Memories Ever.” I will savor these memories forever.
The twinkling lights in Ben’s baby blue eyes and his crackly voice and excitement will forever bring me a smile and heart filled with love. So, whether the tree is in our living room or back in the box in the garage, these memories aren’t going anywhere.
What memories do you have in that bring you this kind of awesomeness?
Inviting and re-savoring these memories… it’s a wonderful way to combat the winter blues.
My paternal grandpa hated taking down the Christmas tree. The first time my mom met them was over Easter weekend, and the Christmas tree was still up (artificial).
Because Grandma got sick of having a Christmas tree up for a third of the year, Grandpa eventually came up with the perfect solution. They would pack away all of the ornaments but leave the lights and tinsel on. Grandpa then moved the tree to the basement, and he could enjoy it whenever he wished without annoying the rest of the family. I remember sitting in the basement on many fall afternoons with Grandpa in his rocking chair and the lights lit on the tree.
Keep that tree up as long as you want. That would be my Rule That Doesn’t Exist: The Christmas tree does not have to come down after Christmas, as long as you have a Christmas spirit.
Hey there, Each year is new and different and because you have Ben this year you want your tree and the joy he sees and shares with you to last longer! Next year he will be a new person! Keep it up as long as you like. The year I was pregnant with my first I kept it up until after he was born February 15th! I give you my permission !! Stay childlike! Peace Patty