• Did you know unicorn poop was edible? It is. It’s hard to come by, but if you ever did, you could seriously just pick it up and eat it. Fortunately, Sweet Insanity Bake Shop has provided a recipe so you can make your own. Magically delicious!
• These absurd and whimsical water faucets remind me that there can never be too much whimsy.
• Rules always seem permanent. It’s easy to forget that they often change. Seth Godin reminds us:
We’ve changed the rules of football and baseball, many times. We’ve recognized that women ought to have the right to vote. We’ve become allies with countries we fought in World Wars. We’ve changed policies, procedures and the way we interpret documents and timeless books.
So if you come upon a rule that might need to be changed, first remember that it’s possible. In fact, it happens all the time.
• What does it look like when 850 people break the Human Mattress Dominoes world record? A lot like this, actually:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rmav4RmVNG4Finally, some posts from around here you may have missed: