- - - | written by Kim on 6/27/2019 | - - -Studio Sneak Peek #72: Taking Ourselves Too Seriously A candid look behind the scenes of Jason’s studio, through the eyes of his biggest fan…
Scott Ginsberg says 6/28/2019 at 5:05 am Love the angry birds series. Perfect for our country, as competitive outrage has official replaced baseball as our national pastime. USA! USA!
Kim Kotecki says 6/28/2019 at 5:02 pm Tru dat. Adultitis strikes again. Hopefully these birds will bring s few smiles. :)
Scott Ginsberg says
Love the angry birds series. Perfect for our country, as competitive outrage has official replaced baseball as our national pastime. USA! USA!
Kim Kotecki says
Tru dat. Adultitis strikes again. Hopefully these birds will bring s few smiles. :)