An Adultitis Fighter is someone who rallies against rules that don’t exist and engages in ruthless, senseless acts of silliness that undermine Adultitis and its unadventurous version of adulthood. Once a month, we shine a light upon the most remarkable among us, holding them up as a dazzling example of what we should strive for in this epic battle against a formidable enemy.

This month’s worthy recipient of this prestigious honor is Wendy Worden!
In recognition of their efforts, Adultitis Fighters of the Month receive a special mini-canvas hand-painted by Jason, along with a certificate of honor, a sweet patch, and other Adultitis-Fighting tools. We asked Wendy some questions about how she fights the Big A and what advice she has for others…
What are some of your favorite ways to fight Adultitis?
Traveling. Having a good solid laugh! Hanging out with friends and family. Dressing up in costume to get others engaged and forget about Adultitis even if just for a few minutes. Finding funny videos to watch.
Searching for inspirational quotes that really speak to me. I have a whole book full of them that when needed I can go back to and pull inspiration from. Some are deep thoughts, spiritual, others are really funny.

Who or what has been the greatest influence in your own fight against Adultitis?
First and foremost I would have to say my nephew inspires me to fight every day! Since he was born we have gone on “adventures” together. We have glow stick parties, make up songs and stories, and host a make-believe call-in show on road trips called “Amazing Adventures” where I interview him on his encounters with zombies and the Lochness monster. He is so creative and just a hoot!
Kim, Jason, and the whole EA squad also have influenced me and how I approach things in the EA spirit. Last year’s EA Summit was my first and I feel like I found my people. I have learned so many things from all of you that I now incorporate into my home and work life.

What is something you loved doing as a child that you still do in some form today?
Singing, crafting, hanging out in nature going for hikes, and spending time with my dog. Sitting around a bonfire with friends. Having a family picnic.
What is your strategy for dealing with people who are obviously infected with Adultitis?
Listening for sure. I work as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in a hospital and our work area is ripe with Adultitis since COVID started and is still hanging out there. Listening to understand their perspective, finding a way to connect and infuse laughter, and just being real about it that ‘yep-things still may suck but we can get through this together.’
Sometimes, depending on how well I know the person- pushing their buttons with annoying positivity and happiness until they crack! 😄Encouraging people to take time to unplug, rest and recharge especially when they should be on vacation!
What advice do you have for someone who is feeling overwhelmed by Adultitis?

Work can wait. You need to take time for yourself! Grab a buddy and have a chat. Take a walk to clear your mind regularly.
Think about those things that really fill your bucket. When is the last time you filled your bucket? Why not do one of those things now?
Every season has peaks and valleys and it is when we are in those valleys that Adultitis pushes us the hardest. We need to push back with positivity, strength, and especially a little fun!
Anything else you’d like to share?
I so appreciate this community. It is inspiring how no matter what you are going through, others are right there to cheer you on and with each Wonder & Whimsy Society Mastermind, EA Live episode, newsletter, or email – you can take SOMETHING away from it that is applicable!
Congrats to Wendy, July 2022 Adultitis Fighter of the Month. Thank you for making the world more awesome!