A new year is upon us. It’s filled with possibility, free of dents and scratches, and still possesses that new year smell.
In the coming year, I have now reached the age where I can expect to be surprised by many of the events that will occur. Some will be happy and thrilling, others… not so much.
I will not claim to predict the future (who can?), but I am quite certain about a few things. For instance, I know at least some of the big plans I have for the year will fall flat. Now that’s always been a fact, but it’s finally no longer a surprise.
I also know – without a shadow of a doubt – that scanning the news and scrolling social media will more often than not leave me more angry, afraid, and jealous than when I started. And yet I will still continue to do it more than I’d like.
Speaking of stupid, I’m sure I’ll do many other stupid things this year. And, to be fair, many smart things as well. (Hopefully more of the latter, but that’s yet to be determined.)
I will definitely have days in which everything goes sideways and my to-do list ends up looking like a slice of burnt toast. And there will be other, more productive days when I tackle everything on my to-do list like a champ, with time to spare. (Well at least one day…maybe. I hope.)
Unfortunately, I’m confident people will continue treating those who hold different opinions badly, especially online. There will be times when I’ll be convinced the world is doomed, unredeemable, and that we are living in our last days.
There will also be times when I am reminded that there are still kind, good, and decent people living here. And I’ll be grateful that I can count some of them as friends.
There will definitely be times when I wonder why anyone would willingly choose to be a Cubs fan. And there will be times when I will cheer and high-five my son after they win a game.
There will be moments when I’ll see God working mightily on my behalf, and others when He doesn’t seem to be taking my calls.
For someone who can’t predict the future, aren’t you impressed by how much I know?
One thing I don’t know is if I’ll live to see the end of this year.
But if I do, of this I’ll have no doubt: I’ll wonder how it went so fast.
I’ll reflect on whether I’m a better person than I was when the year started. Did I put good into the world? Did I treat my neighbor with respect and kindness? Did I love my family well? Did I appreciate this wonderful, precious, priceless gift of life by slowing down enough to savor it?
I hope I’ll be able to say yes to all those questions.
The good news about this day – about every day – is that I get to try.
Happy New Year!