An Adultitis Fighter is someone who rallies against rules that don’t exist and engages in ruthless, senseless acts of silliness that undermine Adultitis and its unadventurous version of adulthood. Once a month, we shine a light upon the most remarkable among us, holding them up as a dazzling example of what we should strive for in this epic battle against a formidable enemy.

This month’s worthy recipient of this prestigious honor is Corey Wollin!
In recognition of their efforts, Adultitis Fighters of the Month receive a special limited edition print created by Jason, along with a certificate of honor, a sweet patch, and other Adultitis-Fighting tools. We asked Corey some questions about how she fights the Big A and what advice she has for others…
What are some of your favorite ways to fight Adultitis?

I love the monthly challenges in the Wonder & Whimsy Society. When Adultitis is creeping up on me, I try to change my perspective and ask if my current situation will matter in an hour, a day, or a week. Adultitis hates that. My husband, Joe, is the greatest influence on me when it comes to this and is the best partner in crime. Ha – there is the answer to question #2 – take that, Adultitis!
Who or what has been the greatest influence in your own fight against Adultitis?
Alright, besides Joe, I would add the Escape Adulthood staff and the Wonder & Whimsy Society members and their awesome reminders in their own fights.
What is something you loved doing as a child that you still do in some form today?

My children are a great influence on this – we play with some of my childhood toys, including my original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Barbies. I also still have many of my board games from childhood. Swinging and playing on playgrounds. Coloring and drawing. I rarely watch a “new to me” movie or TV show. I watch many of my favorites over and over again.
What is your strategy for dealing with people who are obviously infected with Adultitis?
I try to remember that everyone has bad days, weeks, months, or longer. I offer kindness, a smile, a hug, send a sweet note, or an awkward joke or comment, which are my specialties. Send them a fun meme or GIF. Follow-up after a conversation or encounter to let them know you are thinking about them and ask how they are. Invite them to Escape Adulthood Live!
What advice do you have for someone who is feeling overwhelmed by Adultitis?

Have a toolkit of what will pull you out of it. Everyone needs strategies for what will work for them. For me, it is a walk, some quiet time, a podcast, reading a book, saying a prayer, or opening the Escape Adulthood League app to see what my friends are posting about.
Anything else you’d like to share?
Kim, Jason, and staff and the Escape Adulthood League and the Wonder & Whimsy Society have and continue to make a positive impact on me. Thank you for this work and important mission! I am blessed to be along for the ride.
Congrats to Corey, June 2023 Adultitis Fighter of the Month. Thank you for making the world more awesome!